Xiaoyan Shi
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Cited by
In-Plane Zeeman-Field-Induced Majorana Corner and Hinge Modes in an -Wave Superconductor Heterostructure
YJ Wu, J Hou, YM Li, XW Luo, X Shi, C Zhang
Physical Review Letters 124 (22), 227001, 2020
Two-stage magnetic-field-tuned superconductor-insulator transition in underdoped La Sr CuO
X Shi, PV Lin, T Sasagawa, V Dobrosavljević, D Popović
Nature Physics 10, 437-443, 2014
Effective two-dimensional thickness for the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless-like transition in a highly underdoped
PG Baity, X Shi, Z Shi, L Benfatto, D Popović
Physical Review B 93 (2), 024519, 2016
Emergence of superconductivity from the dynamically heterogeneous insulating state in La_ {2-x} Sr_ {x} CuO_ {4}
X Shi, G Logvenov, AT Bollinger, I Božović, C Panagopoulos, D Popović
Nature Materials 12, 47-51, 2012
Crossover between weak antilocalization and weak localization in few-layer : Role of electron-electron interactions
X Zhang, JM Woods, JJ Cha, X Shi
Physical Review B 102 (11), 115161, 2020
Giant supercurrent states in a superconductor-InAs/GaSb-superconductor junction
X Shi, W Yu, Z Jiang, B Andrei Bernevig, W Pan, SD Hawkins, JF Klem
Journal of Applied Physics 118 (13), 2015
Anomalously large resistance at the charge neutrality point in a zero-gap InAs/GaSb bilayer
W Yu, V Clericò, CH Fuentevilla, X Shi, Y Jiang, D Saha, WK Lou, ...
New Journal of Physics 20 (5), 053062, 2018
Observation of cyclotron resonance and measurement of the hole mass in optimally doped
KW Post, A Legros, DG Rickel, J Singleton, RD McDonald, X He, I Božović, ...
Physical Review B 103 (13), 134515, 2021
Conductance noise in an out-of-equilibrium two-dimensional electron system
PV Lin, X Shi, J Jaroszynski, D Popović
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (15), 155135, 2012
Impact of the modulation doping layer on the anisotropy
X Shi, W Pan, KW Baldwin, KW West, LN Pfeiffer, DC Tsui
Physical Review B 91 (12), 125308, 2015
Far infrared edge photoresponse and persistent edge transport in an inverted InAs/GaSb heterostructure
GC Dyer, X Shi, BV Olson, SD Hawkins, JF Klem, EA Shaner, W Pan
Applied Physics Letters 108 (1), 2016
Magneto-transport Properties and Thermally Activated Flux Flow in Ba (Fe 0. 9 1 Co 0. 0 9) 2 As 2 Superconductor
M Nikolo, X Shi, ES Choi, J Jiang, JD Weiss, EE Hellstrom
Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 27, 2231-2239, 2014
Thickness dependence of magnetotransport properties of tungsten ditelluride
X Zhang, V Kakani, JM Woods, JJ Cha, X Shi
Physical Review B 104 (16), 165126, 2021
Magnetotransport Properties, Thermally Activated Flux Flow, and Activation Energies in Ba(Fe0.95 Ni0.05)2As2 and Ba(Fe0.94 Ni0.06)2As2 Superconductors
M Nikolo, X Shi, J Jiang, JD Weiss, EE Hellstrom
Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 27, 1983-1990, 2014
Evolution of the cyclotron mass with doping in La Sr CuO
A Legros, KW Post, P Chauhan, DG Rickel, X He, I Bozovic, SA Crooker, ...
Physical Review B 106, 195110, 2022
Synthesis of La2− xSrxCuO4 films via atomic layer-by-layer molecular beam epitaxy
X Xu, X He, X Shi, I Božović
APL Materials 10 (6), 2022
Fabrication and characterization of superconducting films for superconductor-topological insulator hybrid devices
X Zhang, X Shi
Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 33 (1), 217-221, 2020
Evidence for Correlated Dynamics near the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless-like Transition in a Highly Underdoped La Sr CuO
Z Shi, X Shi, D Popović
Physical Review B 94, 134503, 2016
Diverse impacts of spin-orbit coupling on superconductivity in rhombohedral graphene
J Yang, X Shi, S Ye, C Yoon, Z Lu, V Kakani, T Han, J Seo, L Shi, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2408.09906, 2024
McMillan-Rowell like oscillations in a superconductor-InAs/GaSb-superconductor junction
X Shi, W Yu, SD Hawkins, JF Klem, W Pan
Applied Physics Letters 107 (5), 2015
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Articles 1–20