John D. Weeks
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Cited by
Role of repulsive forces in determining the equilibrium structure of simple liquids
JD Weeks, D Chandler, HC Andersen
The Journal of chemical physics 54 (12), 5237-5247, 1971
Hydrophobicity at small and large length scales
K Lum, D Chandler, JD Weeks
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 103 (22), 4570-4577, 1999
Relationship between the hard-sphere fluid and fluids with realistic repulsive forces
HC Andersen, JD Weeks, D Chandler
Physical Review A 4 (4), 1597, 1971
Van der Waals picture of liquids, solids, and phase transformations
D Chandler, JD Weeks, HC Andersen
Science 220 (4599), 787-794, 1983
Dynamics of crystal growth
JD Weeks, GH Gilmer
Advances in chemical physics 40, 157-228, 2007
Structure and thermodynamics of the liquid–vapor interface
JD Weeks
The Journal of chemical physics 67 (7), 3106-3121, 1977
Dewetting and hydrophobic interaction in physical and biological systems
BJ Berne, JD Weeks, R Zhou
Annual review of physical chemistry 60, 85-103, 2009
Perturbation theory of the thermodynamic properties of simple liquids
JD Weeks, D Chandler, HC Andersen
The Journal of Chemical Physics 55 (11), 5422-5423, 1971
Roles of repulsive and attractive forces in liquids: The equilibrium theory of classical fluids
HC Andersen, D Chandler, JD Weeks
Advances in Chemical Physics 34, 105-154, 1976
Phase transition in the two-dimensional Coulomb gas, and the interfacial roughening transition
ST Chui, JD Weeks
Physical Review B 14 (11), 4978, 1976
Theory of recombination-enhanced defect reactions in semiconductors
JD Weeks, JC Tully, LC Kimerling
Physical Review B 12 (8), 3286, 1975
Roles of repulsive and attractive forces in liquids: the optimized random phase approximation
HC Andersen, D Chandler, JD Weeks
The Journal of Chemical Physics 56 (8), 3812-3823, 1972
Equilibrium structure of simple liquids
D Chandler, JD Weeks
Physical review letters 25 (3), 149, 1970
Structural transition in the Ising-model interface
JD Weeks, GH Gilmer, HJ Leamy
Physical Review Letters 31 (8), 549, 1973
Dynamics of the roughening transition
ST Chui, JD Weeks
Physical Review Letters 40 (12), 733, 1978
Molecular-dynamics study of melting in two dimensions. Inverse-twelfth-power interaction
JQ Broughton, GH Gilmer, JD Weeks
Physical Review B 25 (7), 4651, 1982
On the use of pseudopotentials in the quantum theory of atoms and molecules
JD Weeks, A Hazi, SA Rice
Advances in Chemical Physics (John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2007) pp, 283-342, 1969
Exact solution of the mean spherical model for charged hard spheres in a uniform neutralizing background
RG Palmer, JD Weeks
The Journal of Chemical Physics 58 (10), 4171-4174, 1973
Agreement of capillary-wave theory with exact results for the interface profile of the two-dimensional Ising model
MPA Fisher, DS Fisher, JD Weeks
Physical Review Letters 48 (5), 368, 1982
Shape of crystals at low temperatures: Absence of quantum roughening
DS Fisher, JD Weeks
Physical review letters 50 (14), 1077, 1983
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Articles 1–20