Kita Ashman
Kita Ashman
Threatened Species & Climate Adaptation Ecologist, WWF Australia / Visiting Fellow, ANU
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Cited by
Artificial habitat structures for animal conservation: design and implementation, risks and opportunities
DJ Watchorn, MA Cowan, DA Driscoll, DG Nimmo, KR Ashman, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 20 (5), 301-309, 2022
When an iconic native animal is overabundant: the koala in southern Australia
DA Whisson, KR Ashman
Conservation Science and Practice 2 (5), e188, 2020
Is Australia’s environmental legislation protecting threatened species? A case study of the national listing of the greater glider
KR Ashman, DJ Watchorn, DB Lindenmayer, MFJ Taylor
Pacific Conservation Biology 28 (3), 277-289, 2021
A review of the ‘noose and flag’method to capture free-ranging koalas
GF Madani, KR Ashman, VSA Mella, DA Whisson
Australian Mammalogy 42 (3), 341-348, 2020
Prioritising research efforts for effective species conservation: a review of 145 years of koala research
KR Ashman, DJ Watchorn, DA Whisson
Mammal Review 49 (2), 189-200, 2019
Understanding the role of plantations in the abundance of an arboreal folivore
KR Ashman, AR Rendall, MRE Symonds, D Whisson
Landscape and Urban Planning 193, 103684, 2020
Patchy resources and multiple threats: How do koalas navigate an urban landscape?
DA Whisson, S Zylinski, A Ferrari, K Yokochi, KR Ashman
Landscape and Urban Planning 201, 103854, 2020
What factors influence the occurrence and abundance of midstorey Acacia in Mountain Ash forests?
D Lindenmayer, W Blanchard, L McBurney, K Ashman, E Bowd, D Blair
Austral Ecology 46 (4), 532-544, 2021
Quantifying landscape change as a consequence of plantation forestry expansion: a case study of the Koala Zone in south-west Victoria
KR Ashman, DJ Watchorn
Australian Forestry 82 (2), 116-122, 2019
The vegetation structure and condition of contracting lowland habitat for Leadbeater’s possum (Gymnobelideus leadbeateri)
J Greet, D Harley, K Ashman, D Watchorn, D Duncan
Australian Mammalogy 43 (3), 344-353, 2020
Ranging behavior of an arboreal marsupial in a plantation landscape
KR Ashman, NR Page, DA Whisson
The Journal of Wildlife Management 84 (6), 1091-1099, 2020
Delineating spatial use combined with threat assessment to aid critical recovery of northeast Australia’s endangered hawksbill turtle, one of western Pacific's last strongholds
CA Madden Hof, C Smith, S Miller, K Ashman, KA Townsend, J Meager
Frontiers in Marine Science 10, 1200986, 2023
Experimental evolution reveals that population density does not affect moth signalling behaviour and antennal morphology
KR Ashman, KB McNamara, MRE Symonds
Evolutionary Ecology 30, 1009-1021, 2016
Wombat burrows are hotspots for small vertebrates in a landscape subject to gigafire
GD Linley, WL Geary, CJ Jolly, EE Spencer, KR Ashman, DR Michael, ...
Journal of Mammalogy, gyae034, 2024
Extinction risk for Australia’s iconic glider
K Ashman, M Ward
Science 378 (6620), 608-608, 2022
Developing guidelines for the use of traps to capture koalas
KR Ashman, DA Whisson
Australian Mammalogy 42 (3), 380-384, 2020
The case for listing Mountain Ash forests in the Central Highlands of Victoria as a Threatened Ecological Community
D Lindenmayer, C Taylor, E Bowd, K Ashman
Pacific Conservation Biology 30 (1), NULL-NULL, 2023
The impacts of contemporary logging after 250 years of deforestation and degradation on forest-dependent threatened species
M Ward, K Ashman, D Lindenmayer, S Legge, G Kindler, T Cadman, ...
bioRxiv, 2023.02. 22.529603, 2023
Helping wildlife beat the heat: Testing strategies to improve the thermal performance of nest boxes
I Howard, JCH Ridley, W Blanchard, KR Ashman, DB Lindenmayer, ...
Australian Zoologist 42 (2), 534-560, 2022
Surveys for Leadbeater's Possum'Gymnobelideus leadbeateri'at Wallaby Creek, Kinglake National Park, Victoria
AC Eyre, J Cripps, V Miritis, D Watchorn, K Ashman, P Burns, T Fairman, ...
Victorian Naturalist, The 137 (2), 36-40, 2020
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Articles 1–20