Nicholas J. Lambert
Nicholas J. Lambert
Research Fellow, University of Otago
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Cited by
Coherent conversion between microwave and optical photons—an overview of physical implementations
NJ Lambert, A Rueda, F Sedlmeir, HGL Schwefel
Advanced Quantum Technologies 3 (1), 1900077, 2020
Magneto-optical coupling in whispering-gallery-mode resonators
JA Haigh, S Langenfeld, NJ Lambert, JJ Baumberg, AJ Ramsay, ...
Physical Review A 92 (6), 063845, 2015
Cavity-mediated coherent coupling of magnetic moments
NJ Lambert, JA Haigh, S Langenfeld, AC Doherty, AJ Ferguson
Physical Review A 93 (2), 021803, 2016
Dispersive readout of ferromagnetic resonance for strongly coupled magnons and microwave photons
JA Haigh, NJ Lambert, AC Doherty, AJ Ferguson
Physical Review B 91 (10), 104410, 2015
Identification of spin wave modes in yttrium iron garnet strongly coupled to a co-axial cavity
NJ Lambert, JA Haigh, AJ Ferguson
Journal of Applied Physics 117 (5), 2015
Selection rules for cavity-enhanced Brillouin light scattering from magnetostatic modes
JA Haigh, NJ Lambert, S Sharma, YM Blanter, GEW Bauer, AJ Ramsay
Physical Review B 97 (21), 214423, 2018
Ultrastrong coupling between a microwave resonator and antiferromagnetic resonances of rare-earth ion spins
JR Everts, GGG King, NJ Lambert, S Kocsis, S Rogge, JJ Longdell
Physical Review B 101 (21), 214414, 2020
Experimental observation of the breaking and recombination of single Cooper pairs
NJ Lambert, M Edwards, AA Esmail, FA Pollock, SD Barrett, BW Lovett, ...
Physical Review B 90 (14), 140503, 2014
Artificial ion channels and spike computation in modulation-doped semiconductors
A Nogaret, NJ Lambert, SJ Bending, J Austin
Europhysics Letters 68 (6), 874, 2004
Dielectric perturbations: anomalous resonance frequency shifts in optical resonators
F Azeem, LS Trainor, PA Devane, DS Norman, A Rueda, NJ Lambert, ...
Optics Letters 46 (10), 2477-2480, 2021
Quantum capacitance and charge sensing of a superconducting double dot
NJ Lambert, AA Esmail, M Edwards, FA Pollock, BW Lovett, AJ Ferguson
Applied Physics Letters 109 (11), 112603, 2016
Microresonator-based electro-optic dual frequency comb
NJ Lambert, LS Trainor, HGL Schwefel
Communications Physics 6 (1), 89, 2023
Thermal noise in electro-optic devices at cryogenic temperatures
S Mobassem, NJ Lambert, A Rueda, JM Fink, G Leuchs, HGL Schwefel
Quantum Science and Technology 6 (4), 045005, 2021
Microwave irradiation and quasiparticles in a superconducting double dot
NJ Lambert, AA Esmail, FA Pollock, M Edwards, BW Lovett, AJ Ferguson
Physical Review B 95 (23), 235413, 2017
Design and fabrication of densely integrated silicon quantum dots using a VLSI compatible hydrogen silsesquioxane electron beam lithography process
YP Lin, MK Husain, FM Alkhalil, N Lambert, J Perez-Barraza, Y Tsuchiya, ...
Microelectronic Engineering 98, 386-390, 2012
Electrically induced spin resonance fluorescence. II. Fluorescence spectra
A Nogaret, NJ Lambert, FM Peeters
Physical Review B 76 (7), 075312, 2007
Unexpected tunnelled central venous access demise: a single institutional study from the UK
G Bough, NJ Lambert, F Djendov, C Jackson
Pediatric Surgery International 37, 109-117, 2021
A charge parity ammeter
NJ Lambert, M Edwards, C Ciccarelli, AJ Ferguson
Nano letters 14 (3), 1148-1152, 2014
Random telegraph signal analysis with a recurrent neural network
NJ Lambert, AA Esmail, M Edwards, AJ Ferguson, HGL Schwefel
Physical Review E 102 (1), 012312, 2020
Cooper pair tunnelling and quasiparticle poisoning in a galvanically isolated superconducting double dot
AA Esmail, AJ Ferguson, NJ Lambert
Applied Physics Letters 111 (25), 252602, 2017
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Articles 1–20