Iñigo Garbayo
Iñigo Garbayo
National Renewable Energy Centre (CENER)
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Lithium solid-state batteries: State-of-the-art and challenges for materials, interfaces and processing
N Boaretto, I Garbayo, S Valiyaveettil-SobhanRaj, A Quintela, C Li, ...
Journal of Power Sources 502, 229919, 2021
A low ride on processing temperature for fast lithium conduction in garnet solid-state battery films
R Pfenninger, M Struzik, I Garbayo, E Stilp, JLM Rupp
Nature Energy 4 (6), 475-483, 2019
Safe, flexible, and high-performing gel-polymer electrolyte for rechargeable lithium metal batteries
J Castillo, A Santiago, X Judez, I Garbayo, JA Coca Clemente, ...
Chemistry of Materials 33 (22), 8812-8821, 2021
Glass‐Type Polyamorphism in Li‐Garnet Thin Film Solid State Battery Conductors
I Garbayo, M Struzik, WJ Bowman, R Pfenninger, E Stilp, JLM Rupp
Advanced Energy Materials, 2018
Full ceramic micro solid oxide fuel cells: towards more reliable MEMS power generators operating at high temperatures
I Garbayo, D Pla, A Morata, L Fonseca, N Sabaté, A Tarancón
Energy & Environmental Science 7 (11), 3617-3629, 2014
A Simple and Fast Electrochemical CO2 Sensor Based on Li7La3Zr2O12 for Environmental Monitoring
M Struzik, I Garbayo, R Pfenninger, JLM Rupp
Advanced Materials 30 (44), 1804098, 2018
Electrical characterization of thermomechanically stable YSZ membranes for micro solid oxide fuel cells applications
I Garbayo, A Tarancón, J Santiso, F Peiró, E Alarcón-Lladó, A Cavallaro, ...
Solid State Ionics 181 (5-7), 322-331, 2010
On the chemical stability of post-lithiated garnet Al-stabilized Li 7 La 3 Zr 2 O 12 solid state electrolyte thin films
M Rawlence, I Garbayo, S Buecheler, JLM Rupp
Nanoscale 8 (31), 14746-14753, 2016
Porous La0. 6Sr0. 4CoO3− δ thin film cathodes for large area micro solid oxide fuel cell power generators
I Garbayo, V Esposito, S Sanna, A Morata, D Pla, L Fonseca, N Sabaté, ...
Journal of Power Sources 248, 1042-1049, 2014
Lithium Titanate Anode Thin Films for Li‐Ion Solid State Battery Based on Garnets
R Pfenninger, S Afyon, I Garbayo, M Struzik, JLM Rupp
Advanced Functional Materials 28 (21), 1800879, 2018
Engineering transport in manganites by tuning local nonstoichiometry in grain boundaries
F Chiabrera, I Garbayo, L López‐Conesa, G Martín, A Ruiz‐Caridad, ...
Advanced Materials 31 (4), 1805360, 2019
Unveiling the Outstanding Oxygen Mass Transport Properties of Mn-Rich Perovskites in Grain Boundary-Dominated La0. 8Sr0. 2 (Mn1–x Co x) 0.85 O3±δ Nanostructures
AM Saranya, A Morata, D Pla, M Burriel, F Chiabrera, I Garbayo, A Hornés, ...
Chemistry of Materials 30 (16), 5621-5629, 2018
Pinhole-free YSZ self-supported membranes for micro solid oxide fuel cell applications
I Garbayo, G Dezanneau, C Bogicevic, J Santiso, I Gràcia, N Sabaté, ...
Solid State Ionics 216, 64-68, 2012
Improvement of lithium metal polymer batteries through a small dose of fluorinated salt
A Santiago, X Judez, J Castillo, I Garbayo, A Sáenz de Buruaga, L Qiao, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 11 (15), 6133-6138, 2020
Engineering mass transport properties in oxide ionic and mixed ionic-electronic thin film ceramic conductors for energy applications
I Garbayo, F Baiutti, A Morata, A Tarancon
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 39 (2-3), 101-114, 2019
Salt additives for improving cyclability of polymer-based all-solid-state lithium–sulfur batteries
A Santiago, J Castillo, I Garbayo, A Saenz de Buruaga, ...
ACS Applied Energy Materials 4 (5), 4459-4464, 2021
Residual stress of free-standing membranes of yttria-stabilized zirconia for micro solid oxide fuel cell applications
A Tarancón, N Sabaté, A Cavallaro, I Gràcia, J Roqueta, I Garbayo, ...
Journal of Nanoscience and nanotechnology 10 (2), 1327-1337, 2010
Is it possible to design a portable power generator based on micro-solid oxide fuel cells? A finite volume analysis
D Pla, A Sánchez-González, I Garbayo, M Salleras, A Morata, A Tarancón
Journal of Power Sources 293, 264-273, 2015
Micro-solid state energy conversion membranes: influence of doping and strain on oxygen ion transport and near order for electrolytes
Y Shi, I Garbayo, P Muralt, JLM Rupp
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5 (8), 3900-3908, 2017
Alumina nanofilms as active barriers for polysulfides in high-performance all-solid-state lithium–sulfur batteries
I Garbayo, A Santiago, X Judez, AS de Buruaga, J Castillo, ...
ACS Applied Energy Materials 4 (3), 2463-2470, 2021
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Articles 1–20