Hussein T. Mouftah
Hussein T. Mouftah
Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
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Cited by
Wireless sensor networks for cost-efficient residential energy management in the smart grid
M Erol-Kantarci, HT Mouftah
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 2 (2), 314-325, 2011
Energy-efficient information and communication infrastructures in the smart grid: A survey on interactions and open issues
M Erol-Kantarci, HT Mouftah
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 17 (1), 179-197, 2014
A survey of architectures and localization techniques for underwater acoustic sensor networks
M Erol-Kantarci, HT Mouftah, S Oktug
IEEE communications surveys & tutorials 13 (3), 487-502, 2011
All-optical wavelength conversion: technologies and applications in DWDM networks
JMH Elmirghani, HT Mouftah
IEEE Communications Magazine 38 (3), 86-92, 2000
On the feasibility of deep learning in sensor network intrusion detection
S Otoum, B Kantarci, HT Mouftah
IEEE Networking Letters 1 (2), 68-71, 2019
Survey of ATM switch architectures
YA Ra'ed, HT Mouftah
Computer networks and ISDN systems 27 (12), 1567-1613, 1995
A framework for service-guaranteed shared protection in WDM mesh networks
PH Ho, HT Mouftah
IEEE Communications Magazine 40 (2), 97-103, 2002
Trustworthy sensing for public safety in cloud-centric internet of things
B Kantarci, HT Mouftah
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 1 (4), 360-368, 2014
Wireless multimedia sensor and actor networks for the next generation power grid
M Erol-Kantarci, HT Mouftah
Ad Hoc Networks 9 (4), 542-551, 2011
Industrial IoT data scheduling based on hierarchical fog computing: A key for enabling smart factory
DA Chekired, L Khoukhi, HT Mouftah
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 14 (10), 4590-4602, 2018
Opportunistic routing for wireless ad hoc and sensor networks: Present and future directions
H Liu, B Zhang, HT Mouftah, X Shen, J Ma
IEEE Communications Magazine 47 (12), 103-109, 2009
On the characterization of binary concentration-encoded molecular communication in nanonetworks
MU Mahfuz, D Makrakis, HT Mouftah
Nano Communication Networks 1 (4), 289-300, 2010
The internet of things [Guest Editorial]
J Zheng, D Simplot-Ryl, C Bisdikian, HT Mouftah
IEEE Communications Magazine 49 (11), 30-31, 2011
Big data analytics: Security and privacy challenges
Y Gahi, M Guennoun, HT Mouftah
2016 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communication (ISCC), 952-957, 2016
QoS routing for wireless ad hoc networks: problems, algorithms, and protocols
B Zhang, HT Mouftah
IEEE Communications Magazine 43 (10), 110-117, 2005
Improved two-factor user authentication in wireless sensor networks
B Vaidya, D Makrakis, HT Mouftah
2010 IEEE 6th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing …, 2010
Technologies and architectures for scalable dynamic dense WDM networks
JMH Elmirghani, HT Mouftah
IEEE Communications Magazine 38 (2), 58-66, 2000
Media access control for Ethernet passive optical networks: an overview
J Zheng, HT Mouftah
IEEE Communications Magazine 43 (2), 145-150, 2005
A survey of beacon-enabled IEEE 802.15. 4 MAC protocols in wireless sensor networks
M Khanafer, M Guennoun, HT Mouftah
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 16 (2), 856-876, 2013
Autonomous vehicles in the sustainable cities, the beginning of a green adventure
A Chehri, HT Mouftah
Sustainable Cities and Society 51, 101751, 2019
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Articles 1–20