Dr Aruna Malik
Dr Aruna Malik
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Energy efficient heterogeneous DEEC protocol for enhancing lifetime in WSNs
S Singh, A Malik, R Kumar
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 20 (1), 345-353, 2017
A high capacity text steganography scheme based on LZW compression and color coding
A Malik, G Sikka, HK Verma
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 20 (1), 72-79, 2017
NEECP: Novel energy‐efficient clustering protocol for prolonging lifetime of WSNs
S Singh, S Chand, R Kumar, A Malik, B Kumar
IET Wireless Sensor Systems 6 (5), 151-157, 2016
Optimized routing technique for IoT enabled software-defined heterogeneous WSNs using genetic mutation based PSO
R Ramteke, S Singh, A Malik
Computer Standards & Interfaces 79, 103548, 2022
A reversible data hiding scheme for interpolated images based on pixel intensity range
A Malik, G Sikka, HK Verma
Multimedia Tools and Applications 79, 18005-18031, 2020
Recovery based high capacity reversible data hiding scheme using even-odd embedding
A Malik, S Singh, R Kumar
Multimedia Tools and Applications 77, 15803-15827, 2018
An image interpolation based reversible data hiding scheme using pixel value adjusting feature
A Malik, G Sikka, HK Verma
Multimedia Tools and Applications 76, 13025-13046, 2017
Image interpolation based high capacity reversible data hiding scheme
A Malik, G Sikka, HK Verma
Multimedia Tools and Applications 76, 24107-24123, 2017
A green data collection & transmission method for IoT-based WSN in disaster management
AS Nandan, S Singh, A Malik, R Kumar
IEEE Sensors Journal 21 (22), 25912-25921, 2021
An AMBTC compression based data hiding scheme using pixel value adjusting strategy
A Malik, G Sikka, HK Verma
Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing 29, 1801-1818, 2018
An energy-efficient modified metaheuristic inspired algorithm for disaster management system using WSNs
S Singh, AS Nandan, A Malik, N Kumar, A Barnawi
IEEE Sensors Journal 21 (13), 15398-15408, 2021
A high payload data hiding scheme based on modified AMBTC technique
A Malik, G Sikka, HK Verma
Multimedia Tools and Applications 76, 14151-14167, 2017
A GA-based sustainable and secure green data communication method using IoT-enabled WSN in healthcare
S Singh, AS Nandan, A Malik, R Kumar, LK Awasthi, N Kumar
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (10), 7481-7490, 2021
A high capacity email based text steganography scheme using Huffman compression
R Kumar, A Malik, S Singh, S Chand
2016 3rd International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated …, 2016
A secure energy-efficient routing protocol for disease data transmission using IoMT
S Singh, AS Nandan, G Sikka, A Malik, A Vidyarthi
Computers and Electrical Engineering 101, 108113, 2022
hetSEP: Heterogeneous SEP protocol for increasing lifetime in WSNs
S Singh, A Malik
Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences 38 (5), 721-743, 2017
A space based reversible high capacity text steganography scheme using font type and style
R Kumar, A Malik, S Singh, B Kumar, S Chand
2016 International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation …, 2016
High‐quality reversible data hiding scheme using sorting and enhanced pairwise PEE
G Kaur, S Singh, R Rani, R Kumar, A Malik
IET image processing 16 (4), 1096-1110, 2022
hetDEEC: Heterogeneous DEEC protocol for prolonging lifetime in wireless sensor networks
S Singh, A Malik
Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences 38 (5), 699-720, 2017
Reversible data hiding scheme for LZW codes using even-odd embedding strategy
R Kumar, A Malik, S Singh, B Kumar, S Chand
2016 International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation …, 2016
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Articles 1–20