AnneLoes van Staa
AnneLoes van Staa
Lector Transities in Zorg
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Cited by
Cited by
Crossing the transition chasm: experiences and recommendations for improving transitional care of young adults, parents and providers
AL Van Staa, S Jedeloo, J van Meeteren, JM Latour
Child: care, health and development 37 (6), 821-832, 2011
Self‐management support from the perspective of patients with a chronic condition: a thematic synthesis of qualitative studies
J Dwarswaard, EJM Bakker, AL van Staa, HR Boeije
Health Expectations 19 (2), 194-208, 2016
Readiness to transfer to adult care of adolescents with chronic conditions: exploration of associated factors
AL van Staa, HA van der Stege, S Jedeloo, HA Moll, SR Hilberink
Journal of Adolescent Health 48 (3), 295-302, 2011
Applied health research manual: anthropology of health and health care
AP Hardon, P Boomongkon, P Streefland, ML Tim, T Hongvivatana, ...
AmsterdamHet Spinhuis, 1995
Woman-centered care 2.0: Bringing the concept into focus
Y Fontein-Kuipers, R De Groot, A Van Staa
European journal of Midwifery 2, 2018
Gaps in transitional care: what are the perceptions of adolescents, parents and providers?
HM Sonneveld, MMH Strating, AL van Staa, AP Nieboer
Child: care, health and development 39 (1), 69-80, 2013
Self-management interventions for young people with chronic conditions: A systematic overview
JNT Sattoe, MI Bal, PDDM Roelofs, R Bal, HS Miedema, AL van Staa
Patient education and counseling 98 (6), 704-715, 2015
Qualitative analysis in case study
JC Evers, A Mills, G Durepos, W Elden
Encyclopedia of case study research, 2010
'Thick analysis': strategie om de kwaliteit van kwalitatieve data-analyse te verhogen
A Van Staa, J Evers
Kwalon 15 (1), 2010
Preferences for health care and self-management among Dutch adolescents with chronic conditions: a Q-methodological investigation
S Jedeloo, AL van Staa, JM Latour, NJA van Exel
International journal of nursing studies 47 (5), 593-603, 2010
The proxy problem anatomized: child-parent disagreement in health related quality of life reports of chronically ill adolescents
JNT Sattoe, AL van Staa, HA Moll, ...
Health and quality of life outcomes 10, 1-13, 2012
Unraveling triadic communication in hospital consultations with adolescents with chronic conditions: the added value of mixed methods research
AL van Staa, On Your Own Feet Research Group
Patient education and counseling 82 (3), 455-464, 2011
Four perspectives on self-management support by nurses for people with chronic conditions: a Q-methodological study
SM van Hooft, J Dwarswaard, S Jedeloo, R Bal, AL van Staa
International journal of nursing studies 52 (1), 157-166, 2015
Self‐management challenges and support needs among kidney transplant recipients: A qualitative study
JMJ Been‐Dahmen, JW Grijpma, E Ista, J Dwarswaard, L Maasdam, ...
Journal of advanced nursing 74 (10), 2393-2405, 2018
Caring for caregivers: experiences and evaluation of interventions for a palliative care team
AL Van Staa, A Visser, N van der Zouwe
Patient Education and Counseling 41 (1), 93-105, 2000
Nurses' views on patient self‐management: A qualitative study
JMJ Been‐Dahmen, J Dwarswaard, JMW Hazes, AL van Staa, E Ista
Journal of Advanced Nursing 71 (12), 2834-2845, 2015
Young adults' experiences and satisfaction with the transfer of care
AL van Staa, JNT Sattoe
Journal of Adolescent Health 55 (6), 796-803, 2014
Exciting but exhausting: experiences with participatory research with chronically ill adolescents
AL Van Staa, S Jedeloo, JM Latour, MJ Trappenburg
Health Expectations 13 (1), 95-107, 2010
Transferring young people with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities from pediatric to adult medical care: parents' experiences and recommendations
KGCB Bindels-de Heus, AL van Staa, I van Vliet, FVPM Ewals, ...
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 51 (3), 176-189, 2013
A realist review: What do nurse‐led self‐management interventions achieve for outpatients with a chronic condition?
SM van Hooft, JMJ Been‐Dahmen, E Ista, AL van Staa, HR Boeije
Journal of Advanced Nursing 73 (6), 1255-1271, 2017
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Articles 1–20