Marina Romanova
Marina Romanova
Senior Research Associate
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Three-dimensional simulations of disk accretion to an inclined dipole. II. Hot spots and variability
MM Romanova, GV Ustyugova, AV Koldoba, RVE Lovelace
The Astrophysical Journal 610 (2), 920, 2004
Spin-up/spin-down of magnetized stars with accretion discs and outflows
RVE Lovelace, MM Romanova, GS Bisnovatyi-Kogan
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 275 (2), 244-254, 1995
Episodic accretion in young stars
M Audard, P Abrahám, MM Dunham, JD Green, N Grosso, K Hamaguchi, ...
Protostars and planets VI 387 (1401.3368), 2014
Magnetospheric accretion in classical T Tauri stars
J Bouvier, SHP Alencar, TJ Harries, CM Johns-Krull, MM Romanova
arXiv preprint astro-ph/0603498, 2006
Three-dimensional simulations of disk accretion to an inclined dipole. I. Magnetospheric flows at different Θ
MM Romanova, GV Ustyugova, AV Koldoba, JV Wick, RVE Lovelace
The Astrophysical Journal 595 (2), 1009, 2003
The large observatory for X-ray timing (LOFT)
M Feroci, L Stella, M Van der Klis, TJL Courvoisier, M Hernanz, R Hudec, ...
Experimental Astronomy 34, 415-444, 2012
Magnetohydrodynamic simulations of disk-magnetized star interactions in the quiescent regime: funnel flows and angular momentum transport
MM Romanova, GV Ustyugova, AV Koldoba, RVE Lovelace
The Astrophysical Journal 578 (1), 420, 2002
Launching of conical winds and axial jets from the disc–magnetosphere boundary: axisymmetric and 3D simulations
MM Romanova, GV Ustyugova, AV Koldoba, RVE Lovelace
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 399 (4), 1802-1828, 2009
Accretion to magnetized stars through the Rayleigh–Taylor instability: global 3D simulations
AK Kulkarni, MM Romanova
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 386 (2), 673-687, 2008
Magnetocentrifugally driven winds: comparison of MHD simulations with theory
GV Ustyugova, AV Koldoba, MM Romanova, VM Chechetkin, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 516 (1), 221, 1999
Locking of the rotation of disk-accreting magnetized stars
M Long, MM Romanova, RVE Lovelace
The Astrophysical Journal 634 (2), 1214, 2005
Unstable disk accretion onto magnetized stars: first global three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations
MM Romanova, AK Kulkarni, RVE Lovelace
The Astrophysical Journal 673 (2), L171, 2008
Magnetic field, reconnection, and particle acceleration in extragalactic jets
MM Romanova, RVE Lovelace
Astronomy and Astrophysics (ISSN 0004-6361), vol. 262, no. 1, p. 26-36. 262 …, 1992
“Propeller” regime of disk accretion to rapidly rotating stars
GV Ustyugova, AV Koldoba, MM Romanova, RVE Lovelace
The Astrophysical Journal 646 (1), 304, 2006
Magnetohydrodynamic simulations of outflows from accretion disks
GV Ustyugova, AV Koldoba, MM Romanova, VM Chechetkin, ...
Astrophysical Journal, Part 2-Letters (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 439, no. 2, p …, 1995
The propeller regime of disk accretion to a rapidly rotating magnetized star
MM Romanova, GV Ustyugova, AV Koldoba, RVE Lovelace
The Astrophysical Journal 616 (2), L151, 2004
Dynamics of magnetic loops in the coronae of accretion disks
MM Romanova, GV Ustyugova, AV Koldoba, VM Chechetkin, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 500 (2), 703, 1998
MRI-driven accretion on to magnetized stars: global 3D MHD simulations of magnetospheric and boundary layer regimes
MM Romanova, GV Ustyugova, AV Koldoba, RVE Lovelace
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 421 (1), 63-77, 2012
Poynting jets from accretion disks
RVE Lovelace, H Li, AV Koldoba, GV Ustyugova, MM Romanova
The Astrophysical Journal 572 (1), 445, 2002
Propeller-driven outflows and disk oscillations
MM Romanova, GV Ustyugova, AV Koldoba, RVE Lovelace
The Astrophysical Journal 635 (2), L165, 2005
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Articles 1–20