Jean-Baptiste Tary
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Cited by
Spectral estimation—What is new? What is next?
JB Tary, RH Herrera, J Han, M van der Baan
Reviews of Geophysics 52 (4), 723-749, 2014
Analysis of time-varying signals using continuous wavelet and synchrosqueezed transforms
JB Tary, RH Herrera, M Van Der Baan
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2018
Scaling relations and spectral characteristics of tensile microseisms: Evidence for opening/closing cracks during hydraulic fracturing
DW Eaton, M van der Baan, B Birkelo, JB Tary
Geophysical Journal International 196 (3), 1844-1857, 2014
Interpretation of resonance frequencies recorded during hydraulic fracturing treatments
JB Tary, M Van der Baan, DW Eaton
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 119 (2), 1295-1315, 2014
Acoustic monitoring of gas emissions from the seafloor. Part II: a case study from the Sea of Marmara
G Bayrakci, C Scalabrin, S Dupré, I Leblond, JB Tary, N Lanteri, ...
Marine Geophysical Research 35, 211-229, 2014
Body wave separation in the time-frequency domain
RH Herrera, JB Tary, M Van der Baan, DW Eaton
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 12 (2), 364-368, 2014
Microevents produced by gas migration and expulsion at the seabed: a study based on sea bottom recordings from the Sea of Marmara
JB Tary, L Geli, C Guennou, P Henry, N Sultan, N Çağatay, V Vidal
Geophysical Journal International 190 (2), 993-1007, 2012
Dynamics of fault‐fluid‐hydrate system around a shale‐cored anticline in deepwater Nigeria
N Sultan, V Riboulot, S Ker, B Marsset, L Geli, JB Tary, F Klingelhoefer, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 116 (B12), 2011
Broadband microseismic observations from a Montney hydraulic fracture treatment, northeastern BC, Canada
D Eaton, M van der Baan, JB Tary, B Birkelo, N Spriggs, S Cutten, K Pike
Ele 1150 (1200), 1250, 2013
Applications of high-resolution time-frequency transforms to attenuation estimation
JB Tary, M van der Baan, RH Herrera
Geophysics 82 (1), V7-V20, 2017
Potential use of resonance frequencies in microseismic interpretation
JB Tary, M Van der Baan
The Leading Edge 31 (11), 1338-1346, 2012
Gas and seismicity within the Istanbul seismic gap
L Geli, P Henry, C Grall, JB Tary, A Lomax, E Batsi, V Riboulot, E Cros, ...
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 6819, 2018
Attenuation estimation using high resolution time–frequency transforms
JB Tary, M van der Baan, RH Herrera
Digital Signal Processing 60, 46-55, 2017
Characteristics of fluid‐induced resonances observed during microseismic monitoring
JB Tary, M Van der Baan, B Sutherland, DW Eaton
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 119 (11), 8207-8222, 2014
Sea-bottom observations from the western escarpment of the Sea of Marmara
JB Tary, L Géli, P Henry, B Natalin, L Gasperini, M Çomoğlu, N Çağatay, ...
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 101 (2), 775-791, 2011
Time-varying autoregressive model for spectral analysis of microseismic experiments and long-period volcanic events
JB Tary, RH Herrera, M Van der Baan
Geophysical Journal International 196 (1), 600-611, 2014
An alternative view of the microseismicity along the western main marmara fault
E Batsi, A Lomax, JB Tary, F Klingelhoefer, V Riboulot, S Murphy, ...
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 108 (5A), 2650-2674, 2018
Time-frequency representation of microseismic signals using the synchrosqueezing transform
RH Herrera, JB Tary, M Van der Baan
arXiv preprint arXiv:1301.1295, 2013
Lithospheric and slab configurations from receiver function imaging in northwestern South America, Colombia
MJ Mojica Boada, E Poveda, JB Tary
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 127 (12), e2022JB024475, 2022
Case studies on fluids and seismicity in submarine environments based on Ocean Bottom Seismometers (OBS) recordings from the Sea of Marmara and application to the Niger Delta
JB Tary
Université de Bretagne occidentale-Brest, 2011
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Articles 1–20