Алексей Александрович Мельников (AA Melnikov, Alexsey A. Melnikov)
Алексей Александрович Мельников (AA Melnikov, Alexsey A. Melnikov)
Самарский Университет (Samara National Research University)
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Cited by
Investigation of the IN-738 superalloy microstructure and mechanical properties for the manufacturing of gas turbine engine nozzle guide vane by selective laser melting
AV Sotov, AV Agapovichev, VG Smelov, VV Kokareva, MO Dmitrieva, ...
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 107, 2525-2535, 2020
Application of radiation focusators for creation of nanoporous metal materials with high specific surface area by laser action
SP Murzin, VI Tregub, AA Melnikov, NV Tregub
Компьютерная оптика 37 (2), 226-232, 2013
Effect of the silicon content in steel on the hot-dip zinc coating microstructure formation
OS Bondareva, AA Melnikov
IOP conference series: materials science and engineering 156 (1), 012015, 2016
Determining ways of improving the tribological properties of the silicon carbide ceramic using a pulse-periodic laser treatment
SP Murzin, VB Balyakin, AA Melnikov, NN Vasiliev, PI Lichtner
Computer Optics 39 (1), 64-69, 2015
Laser welding of metal-polymer-metal sandwich panels
SP Murzin, H Palkowski, AA Melnikov, MV Blokhin
Metals 12 (2), 256, 2022
Improving tribological properties of stainless steel surfaces by femtosecond laser irradiation
SP Murzin, VB Balyakin, G Liedl, AA Melnikov, R Fürbacher
Coatings 10 (7), 606, 2020
Influence of hot-dip galvanizing temperature on formation of zinc coating on a steel with a high silicon content
OS Bondareva, AA Melnikov, AP Amosov
Adv. Environ. Biol 8, 943-948, 2014
Применение фокусаторов излучения для создания металлических нанопористых материалов с высокой удельной площадью поверхности лазерным воздействием
СП Мурзин, ВИ Трегуб, АА Мельников, НВ Трегуб
Компьютерная оптика 37 (2), 226-232, 2013
Study of the action of a femtosecond laser beam on samples of a Cu-Zn alloy
SP Murzin, G Liedl, R Pospichal, AA Melnikov
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1096 (1), 012138, 2018
Improving the quality of laser-welded butt joints of metal–polymer sandwich composites
SP Murzin, H Palkowski, AA Melnikov, MV Blokhin, S Osipov
Applied Sciences 12 (14), 7099, 2022
Features of laser welding of sandwich composite metal-polymer materials
SP Murzin, H Palkowski, AA Melnikov, EA Nosova, MV Blokhin
2022 VIII International Conference on Information Technology and …, 2022
Target system for the CC-series сyclotrons designed and manufactured in NIIEFA
EN Abramov, YN Gavrish, PA Gnutov, ML Klopenkov, RМ Klopenkov, ...
Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2013
Proton-Spin-Flipping System Based on Orbit-Steerer Dipoles in the Nuclotron/JINR Operating at the γG = 7 Spin Resonance
YN Filatov, AM Kondratenko, NN Nikolaev, YV Senichev, ...
JETP Letters 118 (6), 387-394, 2023
Research into morphology and phase structure in the surface of Al-Si alloy modified by yttrium oxide
D Zagulyaev, S Konovalov, V Gromov, A Melnikov, V Shlyarov
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences, 2019
Study of structure of dual phase steel after laser heat treatment using moving distributed surface heat sources
S Murzin, N Kazanskiy, G Liedl, R Bielak, A Melnikov, S Osipov
2020 International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology …, 2020
Increasing efficiency of braking control algorithm for a two-wheeled motorcycle
AS Melnikov, VA Kim, AA Melnikov
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 760 (1), 012043, 2020
Improving the quality of the coating at hot-dip galvanizing of machine steels in the zinc melt with microadditives of nickel
O Bondareva, AA Melnikov
Key Engineering Materials 685, 380-384, 2016
Spin Navigator Based on Correcting Dipoles of the JINR Nuclotron
YN Filatov, AM Kondratenko, MA Kondratenko, ED Tsyplakov, ...
JETP Letters 116 (7), 413-419, 2022
Spin Chromaticity of Beam: Orbit Lengthening and Betatron Chromaticity
Y Senichev, A Aksentyev, A Melnikov
Physics of Atomic Nuclei 84 (12), 2014-2017, 2021
Evaluation of strength and microstructure of welded pipes with wall lamination
D Zhukov, S Konovalov, A Melnikov, D Chen
Engineering Failure Analysis 122, 105235, 2021
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Articles 1–20