Ming-Tuo Zhou
Ming-Tuo Zhou
Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
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Cited by
Oral captopril versus placebo among 13 634 patients with suspected acute myocardial infarction: interim report from the Chinese Cardiac Study (CCS-1)
Chinese Cardiac Study Collaborative Group
The Lancet 345 (8951), 686-687, 1995
MEETS: Maximal energy efficient task scheduling in homogeneous fog networks
Y Yang, K Wang, G Zhang, X Chen, X Luo, MT Zhou
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 5 (5), 4076-4087, 2018
FEMTO: Fair and energy-minimized task offloading for fog-enabled IoT networks
G Zhang, F Shen, Z Liu, Y Yang, K Wang, MT Zhou
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6 (3), 4388-4400, 2018
Optimal resource sharing in 5G-enabled vehicular networks: A matrix game approach
R Yu, J Ding, X Huang, MT Zhou, S Gjessing, Y Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 65 (10), 7844-7856, 2016
A big data enabled channel model for 5G wireless communication systems
J Huang, CX Wang, L Bai, J Sun, Y Yang, J Li, O Tirkkonen, MT Zhou
IEEE Transactions on Big Data 6 (2), 211-222, 2018
Millimeter wave technology in wireless PAN, LAN, and MAN
SQ Xiao, MT Zhou
CRC Press, 2008
TRITON: high-speed maritime wireless mesh network
MT Zhou, VD Hoang, H Harada, JS Pathmasuntharam, H Wang, PY Kong, ...
IEEE wireless communications 20 (5), 134-142, 2013
Fog as a service technology
N Chen, Y Yang, T Zhang, MT Zhou, X Luo, JK Zao
IEEE Communications Magazine 56 (11), 95-101, 2018
TRITON: High speed maritime mesh networks
JS Pathmasuntharam, PY Kong, MT Zhou, Y Ge, H Wang, CW Ang, W Su, ...
2008 IEEE 19th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2008
Cognitive maritime wireless mesh/ad hoc networks
MT Zhou, H Harada
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 35 (2), 518-526, 2012
Design of low-profile microstrip antenna with enhanced bandwidth and reduced size
S Xiao, Z Shao, BZ Wang, MT Zhou, M Fujise
IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation 54 (5), 1594-1599, 2006
Association of major depression with risk of ischemic heart disease in a mega‐cohort of Chinese adults: the China Kadoorie Biobank Study
N Liu, XF Pan, C Yu, J Lv, Y Guo, Z Bian, L Yang, Y Chen, T Wu, Z Chen, ...
Journal of the American Heart Association 5 (12), e004687, 2016
A performance comparison of routing protocols for maritime wireless mesh networks
PY Kong, H Wang, Y Ge, CW Ang, S Wen, JS Pathmasuntharam, ...
2008 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2170-2175, 2008
Cluster-based maximum consensus time synchronization for industrial wireless sensor networks
Z Wang, P Zeng, M Zhou, D Li, J Wang
Sensors 17 (1), 141, 2017
A routing protocol for WiMAX based maritime wireless mesh networks
PY Kong, JS Pathmasuntharam, H Wang, Y Ge, CW Ang, W Su, MT Zhou, ...
VTC Spring 2009-IEEE 69th Vehicular Technology Conference, 1-5, 2009
Optical single-sideband modulation at 60 GHz using electro-absorption modulators
MT Zhou, AB Sharma, ZH Shao, M Fujise
2005 International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics, 121-124, 2005
Fog-enabled intelligent IoT systems
Y Yang, X Luo, X Chu, MT Zhou
Springer International Publishing, 2020
Green and reliable software-defined industrial networks
D Li, MT Zhou, P Zeng, M Yang, Y Zhang, H Yu
IEEE Communications Magazine 54 (10), 30-37, 2016
Design considerations of IEEE 802.15. 4m low-rate WPAN in TV white space
CS Sum, L Lu, MT Zhou, F Kojima, H Harada
IEEE Communications Magazine 51 (4), 74-82, 2013
Experimental performance evaluation of multihop IEEE 802.15. 4/4g/4e smart utility networks in outdoor environment
CS Sum, MT Zhou, F Kojima, H Harada
Wireless communications and mobile computing 2017 (1), 7137406, 2017
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Articles 1–20