Devin T. O'Connor
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Cited by
The Sandia Fracture Challenge: blind round robin predictions of ductile tearing
BL Boyce, SLB Kramer, HE Fang, TE Cordova, MK Neilsen, K Dion, ...
International Journal of Fracture 186, 5-68, 2014
The third Sandia Fracture Challenge: predictions of ductile fracture in additively manufactured metal
SLB Kramer, A Jones, A Mostafa, B Ravaji, T Tancogne-Dejean, CC Roth, ...
International Journal of Fracture 218, 5-61, 2019
Miscibility Gap Closure, Interface Morphology, and Phase Microstructure of 3D LixFePO4 Nanoparticles from Surface Wetting and Coherency Strain
MJ Welland, D Karpeyev, DT O’Connor, O Heinonen
ACS nano 9 (10), 9757-9771, 2015
A phase field model for cohesive fracture in micropolar continua
HS Suh, WC Sun, DT O’Connor
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 369, 113181, 2020
Phase transformation and fracture in single LixFePO4 cathode particles: a phase-field approach to Li–ion intercalation and fracture
D T O’Connor, MJ Welland, WK Liu, PW Voorhees
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 24 (3), 035020, 2016
Bonded discrete element simulations of sea ice with non‐local failure: Applications to Nares Strait
B West, D O’Connor, M Parno, M Krackow, C Polashenski
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 14 (6), e2021MS002614, 2022
High dimensional inference for the structural health monitoring of lock gates
M Parno, D O'Connor, M Smith
arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.05529, 2018
Construction and structural analysis of an arched cellulose reinforced ice bridge for transportation infrastructure in cold regions
KLT Towell, EM Matthews, OM Montmayeur, WT Burch, TJ Elliott, ...
Cold Regions Science and Technology 198, 103508, 2022
ParticLS: object-oriented software for discrete element methods and peridynamics
AD Davis, BA West, NJ Frisch, DT O’Connor, MD Parno
Computational Particle Mechanics, 1-13, 2022
A viscoelastic integral formulation and numerical implementation of an isotropic constitutive model of saline ice
D O'Connor, B West, R Haehnel, E Asenath-Smith, D Cole
Cold Regions Science and Technology 171, 102983, 2020
Modeling orthotropic elasticity, localized plasticity and fracture in trabecular bone
DT O’Connor, KI Elkhodary, Y Fouad, MS Greene, FA Sabet, J Qian, ...
Computational Mechanics 58, 423-439, 2016
Validation of thermal-mechanical modeling of stainless steel forgings
AA Brown, TD Kostka, BR Antoun, ML Chiesa, DJ Bammann, SA Pitts, ...
COMPLAS XI: proceedings of the XI International Conference on Computational …, 2011
Remote measurement of sea ice dynamics with regularized optimal transport
MD Parno, BA West, AJ Song, TS Hodgdon, DT O'Connor
Geophysical Research Letters 46 (10), 5341-5350, 2019
Advancements in multiresolution analysis
JA Moore, Y Li, DT O'Connor, W Stroberg, WK Liu
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 102 (3-4), 784-807, 2015
Intersection-free tetrahedral meshing from volumetric images
J Qian, Y Zhang, DT O'Connor, MS Greene, WK Liu
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging …, 2013
An isotropic viscoelastic phase field fracture model for flexural loading of freshwater columnar ice
O Montmayeur, KT Towell, A Murdza, D O’Connor, E Asenath-Smith
Computational Materials Science 229, 112401, 2023
Ice Management Operations at Albeni Falls Dam
JJ Giovando, CS Engel, JS Rocks, SF Daly, DT O'Connor, DD Hamill
US Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Cold Regions Research and …, 2019
Improving discrete element simulations of sea ice break up: Applications to Nares Strait
BA West, DT O'Connor, M Parno, M Krackow, CM Polashenski
Authorea Preprints, 2022
Modeling of Current Standards for Selecting Pressure Vessel Steels (DOT Packaging) to Transport Hydrogen-Bearing Gases
AJ Slifka, PE Bradley, ES Drexler, DT O’connor, RL Amaro
The US department of transportation, OfficeofHazardous materials safety …, 2016
A Bayesian approach for inferring sea ice loads
M Parno, T Hodgdon, B West, D O’Connor, A Song
Journal of Applied Mechanics 88 (6), 061008, 2021
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Articles 1–20