Christos V. Makris
Christos V. Makris
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace
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Storm surges in the Mediterranean Sea: Variability and trends under future climatic conditions
YS Androulidakis, KD Kombiadou, CV Makris, VN Baltikas, YN Krestenitis
Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 71, 56-82, 2015
Climate change effects on the marine characteristics of the Aegean and Ionian Seas
C Makris, P Galiatsatou, K Tolika, C Anagnostopoulou, K Kombiadou, ...
Ocean Dynamics 66 (12), 1603–1635, 2016
Numerical modeling of surf zone dynamics under weakly plunging breakers with SPH method
CV Makris, CD Memos, YN Krestenitis
Ocean Modelling 98, 12-35, 2016
Optimized Reliability Based Upgrading of Rubble Mound Breakwaters in a Changing Climate
P Galiatsatou, C Makris, P Prinos
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 6 (3), 92, 2018
Storm surges and coastal inundation during extreme events in the Mediterranean Sea: the IANOS Medicane
Y Androulidakis, C Makris, Z Mallios, I Pytharoulis, V Baltikas, ...
Natural Hazards 117, 939–978, 2023
The impact of climate change on the storm surges of the Mediterranean Sea: Coastal sea level responses to deep depression atmospheric systems
CV Makris, K Tolika, VN Baltikas, K Velikou, YN Krestenitis
Ocean Modelling 181, 102149, 2023
Integrated modelling of sea-state forecasts for safe navigation and operational management in ports: Application in the Mediterranean Sea
C Makris, Y Androulidakis, T Karambas, A Papadimitriou, A Metallinos, ...
Applied Mathematical Modelling 89 (2), 1206-1234, 2021
Assessing the Vulnerability of a Deltaic Environment due to Climate Change Impact on Surface and Coastal Waters: The Case of Nestos River (Greece)
C Skoulikaris, C Makris, M Katirtzidou, V Baltikas, Y Krestenitis
Environmental Modeling & Assessment 26, 459–486, 2021
Nonstationary joint probability analysis of extreme marine variables to assess design water levels at the shoreline in a changing climate
P Galiatsatou, C Makris, P Prinos, D Kokkinos
Natural Hazards 98, 1051-1089, 2019
Effects of ocean circulation on the eutrophication of a Mediterranean gulf with river inlets: The Northern Thermaikos Gulf
Y Androulidakis, V Kolovoyiannis, C Makris, Y Krestenitis, V Baltikas, ...
Continental Shelf Research 221, 104416, 2021
Severe weather events and sea level variability over the Mediterranean Sea: the WaveForUs operational platform
Y Krestenitis, I Pytharoulis, TS Karacostas, Y Androulidakis, C Makris, ...
Perspectives on Atmospheric Sciences 1, 63-68, 2017
Wave Transmission over Submerged Breakwaters: Performance of Formulae and Models
CV Makris, CD Memos
17th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 2613-2620, 2007
Nonstationary Extreme Value Analysis of Nearshore Sea-State Parameters under the Effects of Climate Change: Application to the Greek Coastal Zone and Port Structures
P Galiatsatou, C Makris, Y Krestenitis, P Prinos
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 9 (8), 817, 2021
HiReSS: Storm surge simulation model for the operational forecasting of sea level elevation and currents in marine areas with harbor works
C Makris, Y Androulidakis, V Baltikas, Y Kontos, T Karambas, ...
1st International Scientific Conference on Design and Management of Port …, 2019
Operational Oceanographic Platform in Thermaikos Gulf (Greece): Forecasting and Emergency Alert System for Public Use
Y Krestenitis, K Kombiadou, Y Androulidakis, C Makris, V Baltikas, ...
36th IAHR World Congress, 2015
CoastFLOOD: A High-Resolution Model for the Simulation of Coastal Inundation Due to Storm Surges
C Makris, Z Mallios, Y Androulidakis, Y Krestenitis
Hydrology 10 (5), 103, 2023
Numerical Modelling of Storm Surges in the Mediterranean Sea under Climate Change
CV Makris, YS Androulidakis, YN Krestenitis, KD Kombiadou, VN Baltikas
36th IAHR World Congress, 2015
Modeling stakeholders’ perceptions in participatory multi-risk assessment on a deltaic environment under climate change conditions
M Katirtzidou, C Skoulikaris, C Makris, V Baltikas, D Latinopoulos, ...
Environmental Modeling & Assessment, 1-22, 2023
Accu-Waves: A decision support tool for navigation safety in ports
C Memos, C Makris, A Metallinos, T Karambas, D Zissis, M Chondros, ...
1st International Scientific Conference on Design and Management of Port …, 2019
Modeling storm surges in the Mediterranean Sea under the A1B climate scenario
Y Krestenitis, Y Androulidakis, K Kombiadou, C Makris, V Baltikas
12th International Conference on Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric …, 2014
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Articles 1–20