Hossam Hassan
Hossam Hassan
Other namesHossam F H Abdelfattah
Associate Professor, Sultan Qaboos University
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Cited by
Evaluation of open-graded friction course mixtures containing cellulose fibers and styrene butadiene rubber polymer
HF Hassan, S Al-Oraimi, R Taha
Journal of materials in civil engineering 17 (4), 416-422, 2005
Recycling of reclaimed asphalt pavement in Portland cement concrete
S Al-Oraimi, HF Hassan, A Hago
The Journal of Engineering Research [TJER] 6 (1), 37-45, 2009
The effect of the mineralogy of coarse aggregate on the mechanical properties of high-strength concrete
SK Al-Oraimi, R Taha, HF Hassan
Construction and Building materials 20 (7), 499-503, 2006
An overview of waste materials recycling in the Sultanate of Oman
R Taha, A Al-Rawas, K Al-Jabri, A Al-Harthy, H Hassan, S Al-Oraimi
Resources, conservation and recycling 41 (4), 293-306, 2004
Recycling of municipal solid waste incinerator ash in hot-mix asphalt concrete
HF Hassan
Construction and building materials 19 (2), 91-98, 2005
Potential uses of petroleum-contaminated soil in highway construction
HF Hassan, R Taha, A Al Rawas, B Al Shandoudi, K Al Gheithi, ...
Construction and Building Materials 19 (8), 646-652, 2005
Laboratory evaluation of hot-mix asphalt concrete containing copper slag aggregate
HF Hassan, K Al-Jabri
Journal of materials in civil engineering 23 (6), 879-885, 2011
Effect of organic fibers on open-graded friction course mixture properties
HF Hassan, KS Al-Jabri
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 6 (1), 67-75, 2005
Reuse of waste ferrochrome slag in the production of mortar with improved thermal and mechanical performance
K Al-Jabri, H Shoukry, IS Khalil, S Nasir, HF Hassan
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 30 (8), 04018152, 2018
Development of asphalt pavement temperature models for Oman
HF Hassan, AS Al-Nuaimi, R Taha, TMA Jafar
The Journal of Engineering Research [TJER] 2 (1), 32-42, 2005
Stabilization of oil‐contaminated soils using cement and cement by‐pass dust
A Al‐Rawas, HF Hassan, R Taha, A Hago, B Al‐Shandoudi, ...
Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal 16 (6), 670-680, 2005
Characterisation of asphalt mixes containing MSW ash using the dynamic modulus |E*| test
HF Hassan, K Al-Shamsi
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 11 (6), 575-582, 2010
Evaluation of Rutting Potential for Asphalt Concrete Mixes Containing Copper Slag
HFH Abdelfattah, K Al-Shamsi, K Al-Al-Jabri
International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 1-11, 2016
Effect of low VMA in hot mix asphalt on load-related cracking resistance
K Al-Shamsi, HF Hassan, LN Mohammed
Construction and Building Materials 149, 386-394, 2017
Development of asphalt binder performance grades for Omani climate
HF Hassan, A Al-Nuaimi, S Al-Oraimi, TMA Jafar
Construction and Building Materials 22 (8), 1684-1690, 2008
Petroleum contaminated soil in Oman: Evaluation of bioremediation treatment and potential for reuse in hot asphalt mix concrete
A Jamrah, A Al-Futaisi, H Hassan, S Al-Oraimi
Environmental monitoring and assessment 124, 331-341, 2007
Characterization of concrete blocks containing petroleum-contaminated soils
AW Hago, HF Hassan, A Al Rawas, R Taha, S Al-Hadidi
Construction and Building materials 21 (5), 952-957, 2007
Investigation of permeability and leaching of hot mix asphalt concrete containing oil-contaminated soils
HF Hassan, A Al Rawas, AW Hago, A Jamrah, A Al-Futaisi, T Al-Sabqi
Construction and Building Materials 22 (6), 1239-1246, 2008
Indiana subdrainage experience and application
HF Hassan, TD White, R Mcdaniel, D Andrewski
Transportation research record 1519 (1), 41-50, 1996
The use of brackish and oil-contaminated water in road construction
R Taha, A Al-Rawas, S Al-Oraimi, H Hassan, M Al-Aghbari
Environmental & Engineering Geoscience 11 (2), 163-169, 2005
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Articles 1–20