Laura Carnevali
Laura Carnevali
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Cited by
Face processing in early development: a systematic review of behavioral studies and considerations in times of COVID-19 pandemic
L Carnevali, A Gui, EJH Jones, T Farroni
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 778247, 2022
Psychophysiological and visual behavioral responses to faces associated with affective and non-affective touch in four-month-old infants
L Della Longa, L Carnevali, E Patron, D Dragovic, T Farroni
Neuroscience 464, 67-78, 2021
Multimedia interventions for neurodiversity: Leveraging insights from developmental cognitive neuroscience to build an innovative practice
T Farroni, I Valori, L Carnevali
Brain Sciences 12 (2), 147, 2022
The role of affective touch in modulating emotion processing among preschool children
L Della Longa, L Carnevali, T Farroni
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 235, 105726, 2023
Interpersonal motor synchrony in autism: a systematic review and meta-analysis
L Carnevali, I Valori, G Mason, G Altoè, T Farroni
Frontiers in Psychiatry 15, 1355068, 2024
Motivation from agency and reward in typical development and autism: narrative review of behavioral and neural evidence
I Valori, L Carnevali, G Mantovani, T Farroni
Brain Sciences 12 (10), 1411, 2022
Agency and reward across development and in autism: A free-choice paradigm
I Valori, L Carnevali, T Farroni
Plos one 18 (4), e0284407, 2023
Touch and look: The role of affective touch in promoting infants' attention towards complex visual scenes
L Carnevali, L Della Longa, D Dragovic, T Farroni
Infancy 29 (2), 271-283, 2024
Do we really know anything about interpersonal motor synchrony in Autism? A systematic review and meta-analysis
L Carnevali, I Valori, G Mason, G Altoè, T Farroni
PsyArXiv, 2022
Le 10 attività da fare assieme nei primi 3 anni: Percorsi di gioco per costruire lo sviluppo armonico dei figli
L Carnevali, S Pezzotti, T Farroni, D Lucangeli
Edizioni Centro Studi Erickson, 2023
Dall'io al noi-0-12 mesi
L Carnevali, S Pezzotti, T Farroni, D Lucangeli
Dall'io al noi 1, 2022
In contatto: il ruolo dell'esperienza tattile condivisa nel facilitare l'attenzione verso l'altro in infanti di 6-11 mesi
L Carnevali, L Della Longa, T Farroni
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Articles 1–12