Dr. Gurveer Singh
Dr. Gurveer Singh
Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology Bhopal
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Cited by
Isolation and characterization of K-solubilizing bacteria isolated from different rhizospheric soil
MVS Rajawat, S Singh, G Singh, AK Saxena
Proceeding of 53rd annual conference of association of microbiologists of …, 2012
Network intrusion detection system: Machine learning approach
AS Jaradat, MM Barhoush, RB Easa
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 25 (2 …, 2022
Dealing with dust–some challenges and solutions for enabling solar energy in desert regions
N Boddupalli, G Singh, L Chandra, B Bandyopadhyay
Solar Energy 150, 166-176, 2017
Dust deposition mechanism and cleaning strategy for open volumetric air receiver based solar tower sub-systems
G Singh, D Saini, N Yadav, R Sarma, L Chandra, R Shekhar
Energy Procedia 69, 2081-2089, 2015
On the evaluation of a cyclone separator for cleaning of open volumetric air receiver
G Singh, D Saini, L Chandra
Applied Thermal Engineering 97, 48-58, 2016
Numerical investigation of flow behavior in double-rushton turbine stirred tank bioreactor
A Agarwal, G Singh, A Prakash
Materials today: proceedings 43, 51-57, 2021
On the flow stability in a circular cylinder based open volumetric air receiver for solar convective furnace
G Singh, L Chandra
Energy Procedia 144, 88-94, 2018
Biobleaching for pulp and paper industry in India: Emerging enzyme technology. Biocatal Agric Biotechnol 17: 558–565
G Singh, S Kaur, M Khatri, SK Arya
Synthesis and characterization of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for water purification applications
SK Gill, G Singh, M Khatri
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology 4, 355-359, 2017
A Step toward realizing open volumetric air receiver based systems in desert regions
G Singh, P Dhurwe, R Kumar, L Kumar, N Vaghela, L Chandra
INAE Letters 4, 161-169, 2019
A multi-zone unsteady heat transfer model for an open volumetric air receiver: a step towards scale-up and design optimization
VD Kumar, G Singh, L Chandra, S Mukhopadhyay, R Shekhar
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 191, 122747, 2022
On the dust deposition and its effects on heat transfer in absorber pores of an open volumetric air receiver
VK Upadhyay, G Singh, L Chandra, B Bandyopadhyay
Solar Energy 211, 1206-1213, 2020
Open volumetric air receiver: Current status, challenges and innovative Solutions
G Singh, S Luque, J González-Aguilar, M Romero, L Chandra
Elsevier, 2020
Thermal and Materials Perspective on the Design of Open Volumetric Air Receiver for Process Heat Applications
G Singh, R Kumar, A Dixit, L Chandra
Applications of Solar Energy, 113-127, 2018
Effect of baffles on the flow hydrodynamics of dual-Rushton turbine stirred tank bioreactor—a CFD study
A Agarwal, G Singh, A Prakash
Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering 38 (4), 849-863, 2021
Design of a cyclone separator for cleaning of dust from volumetric air receiver
G Singh, D Saini, L Chandra, R Shekhar
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power–Contemporary Research: Proceedings of the …, 2017
Refractory hypokalemia in metastatic adrenocorticotrophic hormone--secreting pituitary carcinoma.
G Singh, P Pais, I Garg
The Journal of the Association of Physicians of India 48 (4), 448-449, 2000
Open volumetric air receiver: An innovative application and a major challenge
VD Kumar, VK Upadhyay, G Singh, S Mukhopadhyay, L Chandra
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment 11 (1), e404, 2022
One-dimensional zonal model for the unsteady heat transfer analysis in an open volumetric air receiver
G Singh, VD Kumar, L Chandra, R Shekhar, PS Ghoshdastidar
Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications 13 (1), 011011, 2021
From seed to cocoon
V Kumar, GP Singh
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Articles 1–20