Gustaaf Jacobs
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Cited by
High-order nodal discontinuous Galerkin particle-in-cell method on unstructured grids
GB Jacobs, JS Hesthaven
Journal of Computational Physics 214 (1), 96-121, 2006
Aero-elastic behavior of a flexible blade for wind turbine application: A 2D computational study
E Hoogedoorn, GB Jacobs, A Beyene
Energy 35 (2), 778-785, 2010
A high-order WENO-Z finite difference based particle-source-in-cell method for computation of particle-laden flows with shocks
GB Jacobs, WS Don
Journal of Computational Physics 228 (5), 1365-1379, 2009
Evaluation of convergence behavior of metamodeling techniques for bridging scales in multi-scale multimaterial simulation
O Sen, S Davis, G Jacobs, HS Udaykumar
Journal of Computational Physics 294, 585-604, 2015
Implicit–explicit time integration of a high-order particle-in-cell method with hyperbolic divergence cleaning
GB Jacobs, JS Hesthaven
Computer Physics Communications 180 (10), 1760-1767, 2009
Evaluation of kriging based surrogate models constructed from mesoscale computations of shock interaction with particles
O Sen, NJ Gaul, KK Choi, G Jacobs, HS Udaykumar
Journal of Computational Physics 336, 235-260, 2017
High-order resolution Eulerian–Lagrangian simulations of particle dispersion in the accelerated flow behind a moving shock
GB Jacobs, WS Don, T Dittmann
Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics 26, 37-50, 2012
An exact theory of three-dimensional fixed separation in unsteady flows
A Surana, GB Jacobs, O Grunberg, G Haller
Physics of Fluids 20 (10), 2008
Explicit discontinuous spectral element method with entropy generation based artificial viscosity for shocked viscous flows
A Chaudhuri, GB Jacobs, WS Don, H Abbassi, F Mashayek
Journal of Computational Physics 332, 99-117, 2017
Shock capturing with entropy-based artificial viscosity for staggered grid discontinuous spectral element method
H Abbassi, F Mashayek, GB Jacobs
Computers & Fluids 98, 152-163, 2014
Experimental and numerical investigation of the kinematic theory of unsteady separation
M Weldon, T Peacock, GB Jacobs, M Helu, G Haller
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 611, 1-11, 2008
Validation study of a multidomain spectral code for simulation of turbulent flows
GB Jacobs, DA Kopriva, F Mashayek
AIAA journal 43 (6), 1256-1264, 2005
A sharp interface Cartesian grid method for viscous simulation of shocked particle-laden flows
P Das, O Sen, G Jacobs, HS Udaykumar
International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics 31 (6-8), 269-291, 2017
Evaluation of multifidelity surrogate modeling techniques to construct closure laws for drag in shock–particle interactions
O Sen, NJ Gaul, KK Choi, G Jacobs, HS Udaykumar
Journal of Computational Physics 371, 434-451, 2018
Extraction of separation and attachment surfaces from three-dimensional steady shear flows
A Surana, GB Jacobs, G Haller
AIAA journal 45 (6), 1290-1302, 2007
Role of pseudo-turbulent stresses in shocked particle clouds and construction of surrogate models for closure
O Sen, NJ Gaul, S Davis, KK Choi, G Jacobs, HS Udaykumar
Shock Waves 28 (3), 579-597, 2018
Spectral-based simulations of particle-laden turbulent flows
K Sengupta, B Shotorban, GB Jacobs, F Mashayek
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 35 (9), 811-826, 2009
Large‐eddy simulation of compressible flows using a spectral multidomain method
K Sengupta, GB Jacobs, F Mashayek
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 61 (3), 311-340, 2009
A comparison of outflow boundary conditions for the multidomain staggered-grid spectral method
GB Jacobs, DA Kopriva, F Mashayek
Numerical Heat Transfer: Part B: Fundamentals 44 (3), 225-251, 2003
An Eulerian model for particles nonisothermally carried by a compressible fluid
B Shotorban, GB Jacobs, O Ortiz, Q Truong
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 65, 845-854, 2013
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Articles 1–20