KS Sultanov (КС Султанов)
KS Sultanov (КС Султанов)
Институт механики и сейсмостойкости сооружений АН РУз
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Wave theory of seismic stability of underground structures
KS Sultanov
Dynamic deformation of the contact layer when there is shear interaction between a body and the soil.
AA Bakhodirov, SI Ismailova, KS Sultanov
J. Appl. Maths. Mechs. USA. 2016., P. 87-96., 2016
Laws of Shear Interaction at Contact Surfaces Between Solid Bodies and Soil.
KS Sultanov, AA Bakhodirov
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. 53 (Issue 2.), P. 71-77., 2016
Quasistaticity of the process of dynamic strain of soils
KS Sultanov, PV Loginov, SI Ismoilova, ZR Salikhova
Magazine of Civil Engineering, 71-91, 2019
Волновая теория сейсмостойкости подземных сооружений
КС Султанов
Монография, ФАН, Ташкент, 392 стр., 2016
The Attenuation of Longitudinal Waves in Non-Linear Visco- Elastic Media.
KS Sultanov
J. Appl. Maths. Mechs. USA, 2002. 66 (Issue 1.), P. 115-122., 2002
Strength of underground pipelines under seismic effects
KS Sultanov, JX Kumakov, PV Loginov, BB Rikhsieva
Magazine of Civil Engineering, 97-120, 2020
Nonlinear deformation laws for composite threads in extension.
SI Ismailova, KS Sultanov
Mechanics of Solids. 50 (Issue 5.), P. 578-590., 2015
Wave processes in determining mechanical characteristics of soils
K Sultanov, P Loginov, S Ismoilova, Z Salikhova
E3S Web of Conferences 97, 04009, 2019
State Equations for Soils Prone to Slump-Type Settlement with Allowance for Degree of Wetting.
KS Sultanov, BE Khusanov
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. 38 (Issue 3.), P. 80-86., 2001
A Non-Linear Law of the Deformation of Soft Soils.
KS Sultanov
J. Appl. Maths. Mechs. USA, 2002. 62 (Issue 3.), P. 465-472., 1998
Interaction of a rigid underground pipeline with elastic-viscous-plastic soil
K Sultanov, B Khusanov, B Rikhsieva
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 883 (1), 012038, 2020
Waves in a viscoelastic bar surrounded by soils under smooth loading.
AA Bakhodirov, KS Sultanov
Mechanics of Solids. 49 (Issue 3.), P. 349-359., 2014
Longitudinal waves in a cylinder with active external friction in a limited area
KS Sultanov, BE Khusanov, BB Rikhsieva
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1546 (1), 012140, 2020
Закономерности взаимодействия подземных сооружений с грунтом при их относительном сдвиге .
КС Султанов
Прикладная механика. Киев. 29 (№ 3.), С. 60-68., 1993
Underground pipeline strength under non-one-dimensional motion
K Sultanov, B Khusanov, B Rikhsieva
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 883 (1), 012023, 2020
Wave theory of seismic resistance of underground structures
KS Sultanov
Tashkent: Fan, 392, 2016
Underground pipeline reliability under longitudinal impact load
K Sultanov, B Khusanov, B Rikhsieva
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 869 (5), 052008, 2020
Variable moduli of soil strain
K Sultanov, P Loginov, S Ismoilova, Z Salikhova
E3S Web of Conferences 97, 04013, 2019
Нелинейный закон деформирования мягких грунтов.
КС Султанов
ПММ. Прикладная математика и механика. Москва. 62 (№ 3.), С. 503-511., 1998
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