Daniel Dzahini
Daniel Dzahini
TIMA Laboratory
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Cited by
The ATLAS experiment at the CERN large hadron collider
SM Alam, B Athar, S Timm, F Wappler, L Zhichao, H Ahmed, ...
Journal of instrumentation 3 (8), S08003-S08003, 2008
Production and integration of the ATLAS Insertable B-Layer
B Abbott, J Albert, F Alberti, M Alex, G Alimonti, S Alkire, P Allport, ...
Journal of instrumentation 13 (05), T05008, 2018
The ATLAS experiment at the CERN large hadron collider
A Collaboration, G Aad, E Abat, J Abdallah, AA Abdelalim, A Abdesselam, ...
Jinst 3, S08003, 2008
Search for supersymmetry in hadronic final states using M T2 in pp collisions at TeV
S Chatrchyan, V Khachatryan, AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, ...
Journal of High Energy Physics 2012 (10), 1-40, 2012
Performance of the electronic readout of the ATLAS liquid argon calorimeters
H Abreu, M Aharrouche, M Aleksa, L Aperio-Bella, JP Archambault, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 5 (09), P09003, 2010
The international large detector: Letter of intent
T Abe, S Schuwalow, M Yamauchi, J Schaffran, H Ikeda, W Qian, ...
Construction, assembly and tests of the ATLAS electromagnetic barrel calorimeter
B Aubert, B Beaugiraud, J Colas, P Delebecque, L Di Ciaccio, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2006
Design and implementation of the Front End Board for the readout of the ATLAS liquid argon calorimeters
NJ Buchanan, L Chen, DM Gingrich, S Liu, H Chen, J Farrell, J Kierstead, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 3 (03), P03004, 2008
ATLAS liquid argon calorimeter front end electronics
NJ Buchanan, L Chen, DM Gingrich, S Liu, H Chen, D Damazio, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 3 (09), P09003, 2008
Results from a new combined test of an electromagnetic liquid argon calorimeter with a hadronic scintillating-tile calorimeter
S Akhmadaliev, F Albiol, P Amaral, G Ambrosini, A Amorim, K Anderson, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2000
Performance of the ATLAS electromagnetic calorimeter barrel module 0
B Aubert, J Ballansat, A Bazan, B Beaugiraud, J Boniface, F Chollet, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2003
Construction and test of the first two sectors of the ATLAS barrel liquid argon presampler
ML Andrieux, B Belhorma, A Belymam, D Benchekroun, R Cherkaoui, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2002
Performance of a large scale prototype of the ATLAS accordion electromagnetic calorimeter
DM Gingrich, G Greeniaus, P Kitching, B Olsen, JL Pinfold, NL Rodning, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 1995
International Linear Collider reference design report
J Brau, Y Okada, NJ Walker, A Djouadi, J Lykken, K Monig, M Oreglia, ...
ILC, 2007
New electronics for the cherenkov telescope array (NECTAr)
CL Naumann, E Delagnes, J Bolmont, P Corona, D Dzahini, F Feinstein, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2012
Auto-zero stabilized CMOS amplifiers for very low voltage or current offset
D Dzahini, H Ghazlane
2003 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium. Conference Record (IEEE Cat. No …, 2003
Radiation qualification of the front-end electronics for the readout of the ATLAS liquid argon calorimeters
NJ Buchanan, L Chen, DM Gingrich, S Liu, H Chen, D Damazio, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 3 (10), P10005, 2008
Recent progress of RD53 Collaboration towards next generation Pixel Read-Out Chip for HL-LHC
N Demaria, MB Barbero, D Fougeron, F Gensolen, S Godiot, M Menouni, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 11 (12), C12058, 2016
Hadron energy reconstruction for the ATLAS calorimetry in the framework of the non-parametrical method ATLAS
S Akhmadaliev, P Amaral, G Ambrosini, A Amorim, K Anderson, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2002
Étude de la dégradation et de la fiabilité des modules photovoltaïques-Impact de la poussière sur les caractéristiques électriques de performance
A Ndiaye
Ecole Supérieure Polytechnique (ESP)-UCAD, 2013
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Articles 1–20