Pauline Grierson
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Cited by
Relationships among net primary productivity, nutrients and climate in tropical rain forest: a pan‐tropical analysis
CC Cleveland, AR Townsend, P Taylor, S Alvarez‐Clare, M Bustamante, ...
Ecology letters 14 (9), 939-947, 2011
Long-term impacts of prescribed burning on regional extent and incidence of wildfires—evidence from 50 years of active fire management in SW Australian forests
MM Boer, RJ Sadler, RS Wittkuhn, L McCaw, PF Grierson
Forest Ecology and Management 259 (1), 132-142, 2009
Protocol for sampling tree and stand biomass
P Snowdon, RJ Raison, H Keith, P Ritson, P Grierson, M Adams, ...
Canberra, Australian Greenhouse Office, 2002
Natural hazards in Australia: extreme bushfire
JJ Sharples, GJ Cary, P Fox-Hughes, S Mooney, JP Evans, MS Fletcher, ...
Climatic Change 139, 85-99, 2016
Estimation of evaporative loss based on the stable isotope composition of water using Hydrocalculator
G Skrzypek, A Mydłowski, S Dogramaci, P Hedley, JJ Gibson, PF Grierson
Journal of Hydrology 523, 781-789, 2015
Organic acids in the rhizosphere of Banksia integrifolia L.f.
PF Grierson
Plant and Soil 144, 259-265, 1992
Plant species affect acid phosphatase, ergosterol and microbial P in a Jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata Donn ex Sm.) forest in south-western Australia
PF Grierson, MA Adams
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 32 (13), 1817-1827, 2000
Stable isotope and hydrochemical evolution of groundwater in the semi-arid Hamersley Basin of sub-tropical northwest Australia.
S Dogramaci, G Skrzypek, W Dodson, PF Grierson
Journal of Hydrology 475, 281-293, 2012
Drought variability in the eastern Australia and New Zealand summer drought atlas (ANZDA, CE 1500–2012) modulated by the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation
JG Palmer, ER Cook, CSM Turney, K Allen, P Fenwick, BI Cook, ...
Environmental Research Letters 10 (12), 124002, 2015
On the long-term context of the 1997–2009 ‘Big Dry’in South-Eastern Australia: insights from a 206-year multi-proxy rainfall reconstruction
J Gergis, AJE Gallant, K Braganza, DJ Karoly, K Allen, L Cullen, ...
Climatic Change 111 (3-4), 923-944, 2012
Phosphorus mobilization in agroforestry: organic anions, phosphatase activity and phosphorus fractions in the rhizosphere
S Radersma, PF Grierson
Plant and soil 259, 209-219, 2004
Stable isotopes at natural abundance in terrestrial plant ecology and ecophysiology: an update
MA Adams, PF Grierson
Plant Biology 3 (04), 299-310, 2001
Bioavailability and composition of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen in a near coastal catchment of south-western Australia
KC Petrone, JS Richards, PF Grierson
Biogeochemistry 92, 27-40, 2009
Multi-decadal scale variability in autumn-winter rainfall in south-western Australia since 1655 AD as reconstructed from tree rings of Callitris columellaris
LE Cullen, PF Grierson
Climate Dynamics 33 (2), 433-444, 2009
Mapping burned areas and burn severity patterns in SW Australian eucalypt forest using remotely-sensed changes in leaf area index
MM Boer, C Macfarlane, J Norris, RJ Sadler, J Wallace, PF Grierson
Remote Sensing of Environment 112 (12), 4358-4369, 2008
The origin and function of dissolved organic matter in agro‐urban coastal streams
KC Petrone, JB Fellman, E Hood, MJ Donn, PF Grierson
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 116 (G1), 2011
Source, biogeochemical cycling, and fluorescence characteristics of dissolved organic matter in an agro‐urban estuary
JB Fellman, KC Petrone, PF Grierson
Limnology and Oceanography 56 (1), 243-256, 2011
Rewetting and litter addition influence mineralisation and microbial communities in soils from a semi-arid intermittent stream
RES McIntyre, MA Adams, DJ Ford, PF Grierson
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 41 (1), 92-101, 2009
Estimates of carbon storage in the aboveground biomass of victorias forests
PF Grierson, MA Adams, PM Attiwill
Australian Journal of Botany 40 (5), 631-640, 1992
Phosphorus mineralization kinetics and response of microbial phosphorus to drying and rewetting in a Florida Spodosol
PF Grierson, NB Comerford, EJ Jokela
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 30 (10-11), 1323-1331, 1998
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Articles 1–20