Justin Baldwin
Justin Baldwin
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Cited by
Defensive fruit metabolites obstruct seed dispersal by altering bat behavior and physiology at multiple temporal scales
JW Baldwin, DKN Dechmann, W Thies, SR Whitehead
Ecology 101 (2), e02937, 2020
Fruit secondary compounds mediate the retention time of seeds in the guts of Neotropical fruit bats
JW Baldwin, SR Whitehead
Oecologia 177, 453-466, 2015
Does seed ingestion by bats enhance germination? A new meta‐analysis 15 years later
RA Saldaña‐Vázquez, JH Castaño, J Baldwin, J Pérez‐Torres
Mammal Review 49 (3), 201-209, 2019
Common noctule bats are sexually dimorphic in migratory behaviour and body size but not wing shape
MT O’Mara, K Bauer, D Blank, JW Baldwin, DKN Dechmann
PloS one 11 (11), e0167027, 2016
Phenotypic responses to climate change are significantly dampened in big‐brained birds
JW Baldwin, J Garcia‐Porta, CA Botero
Ecology Letters 25 (4), 939-947, 2022
Mid-Cenozoic climate change, extinction, and faunal turnover in Madagascar, and their bearing on the evolution of lemurs
LR Godfrey, KE Samonds, JW Baldwin, MR Sutherland, JM Kamilar, ...
BMC Evolutionary Biology 20, 1-18, 2020
Bayesian state-space models reveal unobserved off-shore nocturnal migration from Motus data
JW Baldwin, K Leap, JT Finn, JR Smetzer
Ecological modelling 386, 38-46, 2018
Complementarity in Allen’s and Bergmann’s rules among birds
JW Baldwin, J Garcia-Porta, CA Botero
Nature Communications 14 (1), 4240, 2023
Perinatal oxycodone exposure causes long-term sex-dependent changes in weight trajectory and sensory processing in adult mice
E Minakova, MO Mikati, MK Madasu, SM Conway, JW Baldwin, RG Swift, ...
Psychopharmacology 239 (12), 3859-3873, 2022
First nesting account and breeding biology of “Gould's Inca” (Coeligena torquata omissa) in Manu National Park, Peru
JW Baldwin, GA Londoño
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 128 (3), 606-618, 2016
Ecological drivers and consequences of torpor in Andean hummingbirds
DC Revelo Hernández, JW Baldwin, GA Londoño
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 290 (1995), 2023
Nest and nestling data for the unnamed ‘Ampay’Tapaculo Scytalopus sp. from Apurímac, Peru
JW Baldwin, JR Drucker
Cotinga 38, 9-13, 2016
Data from: Fruit secondary compounds mediate the retention time of seeds in the guts of Neotropical fruit bats
JW Baldwin, SR Whitehead
Data from: Defensive fruit metabolites obstruct seed dispersal by altering bat behavior and physiology at multiple temporal scales
JW Baldwin, DKN Dechmann, W Thies, SR Whitehead
Avian Dispersal Ability Shapes Species-Area Relationships on Islands Worldwide
JW Baldwin, JA Myers
Ecology letters 27 (11), e70020, 2024
Modelling Bird Migration with Motus Data and Bayesian State-Space Models
J Baldwin
Bat Biology: Seed Dispersal, Wing Shape and Computational Ecology
J Baldwin
Hampshire College, 2013
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Articles 1–17