Patrick Slattery
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Cited by
Understanding curriculum: An introduction to the study of historical and contemporary curriculum discourses
WF Pinar
Peter lang, 1995
Curriculum development in the postmodern era: Teaching and learning in an age of accountability
P Slattery
Routledge, 2012
Curriculum Development in the Postmodern Era. Garland Reference Library of Social Science, Volume 929. Critical Education Practice, Volume 1.
P Slattery
Garland Publishing, 1000A Sherman Avenue, Hamden, CT 06415, 1995
Contextualizing teaching: Introduction to education and educational foundations
JL Kincheloe, P Slattery, SR Steinberg
Evidence for the Onset of Semi-inclusive Scaling in Proton-Proton Collisions in the Momentum Range
P Slattery
Physical Review Letters 29 (24), 1624, 1972
Evidence for the Systematic Behavior of Charged-Prong Multiplicity Distributions in High-Energy Proton-Proton Collisions
P Slattery
Physical Review D 7 (7), 2073, 1973
Ethics and the foundations of education: Teaching convictions in a postmodern world
P Slattery, D Rapp
A and B, 2003
White male teachers on difference: Narratives of contact and tensions
JC Jupp, P Slattery
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 23 (2), 199-215, 2010
Curriculum theory since 1950: Crisis, reconceptualization, internationalization
WF Pinar
The SAGE handbook of curriculum and instruction, 491-513, 2008
The educational researcher as artist working within
P Slattery
Qualitative inquiry 7 (3), 370-398, 2001
A Postmodern Vision of Time and Learning: A Response to the National Education Commission Report Prisoners of Time
P Slattery
Harvard Educational Review 65 (4), 612-634, 1995
Hermeneutics, aesthetics, and the quest for answerability: A dialogic possibility for reconceptualizing the interpretive process in curriculum studies
P Slattery, KA Krasny, MP O’Malley
Journal of Curriculum Studies 39 (5), 537-558, 2007
Troubling the contours of arts-based educational research
P Slattery
Qualitative inquiry 9 (2), 192-197, 2003
Who reveals what to whom? Critical reflections on conducting qualitative inquiry as an interdisciplinary, biracial, male/female research team
CA Stanley, P Slattery
Qualitative Inquiry 9 (5), 705-728, 2003
Meeting all students’ needs: Transforming the unjust normativity of heterosexism
JW Koschoreck, P Slattery
Leadership for social justice: Making revolutions in education 2, 156-174, 2010
A last dying chord? Toward cultural and educational renewal in the South
J Kincheloe, WF Pinar, P Slattery
Curriculum Inquiry 24 (4), 407-436, 1994
Toward an eschatological curriculum theory
GP Slattery Jr
Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College, 1989
Understanding curriculum: An introduction to historical and contemporary discourses
WF Pinar, WM Reynolds, P Slattery, PM Taubman
Peter Lang Publishers, 2010
Voices of imagination: The artist as prophet in the process of social change
RME Spehler, P Slattery
International Journal of Leadership in Education 2 (1), 1-12, 1999
Chapter 10: Understanding curriculum as autobiographical/biographical text
WF Pinar, WM Reynolds, P Slattery, PM Taubman
Counterpoints 17, 515-566, 1995
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Articles 1–20