xizhan gao
xizhan gao
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DarkASDNet: classification of ASD on functional MRI using deep neural network
MS Ahammed, S Niu, MR Ahmed, J Dong, X Gao, Y Chen
Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 15, 635657, 2021
Large margin distribution multi-class supervised novelty detection
F Zhu, W Zhang, X Chen, X Gao, N Ye
Expert Systems with Applications 224, 119937, 2023
A new predefined-time stability theorem and its application in the synchronization of memristive complex-valued BAM neural networks
A Liu, H Zhao, Q Wang, S Niu, X Gao, C Chen, L Li
Neural Networks 153, 152-163, 2022
Joint metric learning-based class-specific representation for image set classification
X Gao, S Niu, D Wei, X Liu, T Wang, F Zhu, J Dong, Q Sun
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2022
Sparse and collaborative representation based kernel pairwise linear regression for image set classification
X Gao, Q Sun, H Xu, J Gao
Expert Systems with Applications 140, 112886, 2020
Multiple rank multi-linear kernel support vector machine for matrix data classification
X Gao, L Fan, H Xu
International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics 9, 251-261, 2018
Multi-model fusion metric learning for image set classification
X Gao, Q Sun, H Xu, D Wei, J Gao
Knowledge-Based Systems 164, 253-264, 2019
Prototype learning and collaborative representation using Grassmann manifolds for image set classification
D Wei, X Shen, Q Sun, X Gao, W Yan
Pattern Recognition 100, 107123, 2020
Constraint-weighted support vector ordinal regression to resist constraint noises
F Zhu, X Chen, X Gao, W Ye, H Zhao, AV Vasilakos
Information Sciences 649, 119644, 2023
Multiple-rank supervised canonical correlation analysis for feature extraction, fusion and recognition
X Gao, Q Sun, H Xu
Expert Systems with Applications 84, 171-185, 2017
Neighborhood preserving embedding on Grassmann manifold for image-set analysis
D Wei, X Shen, Q Sun, X Gao, Z Ren
Pattern Recognition 122, 108335, 2022
MRCCA: A novel CCA based method and its application in feature extraction and fusion for matrix data
X Gao, Q Sun, J Yang
Applied Soft Computing 62, 45-56, 2018
Two-directional two-dimensional kernel canonical correlation analysis
X Gao, S Niu, Q Sun
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 26 (11), 1578-1582, 2019
Bag-of-features model for asd fmri classification using svm
MS Ahammed, S Niu, MR Ahmed, J Dong, X Gao, Y Chen
2021 Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications Technology and Computer …, 2021
2D-LPCCA and 2D-SPCCA: Two new canonical correlation methods for feature extraction, fusion and recognition
X Gao, Q Sun, H Xu, Y Li
Neurocomputing 284, 148-159, 2018
A novel method for classification of matrix data using twin multiple rank SMMs
X Gao, L Fan, H Xu
Applied Soft Computing 48, 546-562, 2016
A novel time series prediction method based on pooling compressed sensing echo state network and its application in stock market
Z Wang, H Zhao, M Zheng, S Niu, X Gao, L Li
Neural Networks 164, 216-227, 2023
Discrete metric learning for fast image set classification
D Wei, X Shen, Q Sun, X Gao
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 31, 6471-6486, 2022
Exploiting sparse self-representation and particle swarm optimization for CNN compression
S Niu, K Gao, P Ma, X Gao, H Zhao, J Dong, Y Chen, D Shen
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 34 (12), 10266-10278, 2022
Adaptive graph guided concept factorization on Grassmann manifold
D Wei, X Shen, Q Sun, X Gao, Z Ren
Information Sciences 576, 725-742, 2021
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