Daniel Aravena
Cited by
Cited by
Large magnetic anisotropy in mononuclear metal complexes
S Gómez-Coca, D Aravena, R Morales, E Ruiz
Coordination Chemistry Reviews 289, 379-392, 2015
First principles approach to the electronic structure, magnetic anisotropy and spin relaxation in mononuclear 3d-transition metal single molecule magnets
M Atanasov, D Aravena, E Suturina, E Bill, D Maganas, F Neese
Coordination Chemistry Reviews 289, 177-214, 2015
Shedding Light on the Single-Molecule Magnet Behavior of Mononuclear DyIII Complexes
D Aravena, E Ruiz
Inorganic chemistry 52 (23), 13770-13778, 2013
Coherent transport through spin-crossover single molecules
D Aravena, E Ruiz
Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (2), 777-779, 2012
Structural and electronic effects on the exchange interactions in dinuclear bis (phenoxo)-bridged copper (II) complexes
D Venegas-Yazigi, D Aravena, E Spodine, E Ruiz, S Alvarez
Coordination Chemistry Reviews 254 (17-18), 2086-2095, 2010
Large conductance switching in a single-molecule device through room temperature spin-dependent transport
AC Aragonès, D Aravena, JI Cerdá, Z Acís-Castillo, H Li, JA Real, F Sanz, ...
Nano letters 16 (1), 218-226, 2016
Theoretical study of exchange coupling in 3d-Gd complexes: Large magnetocaloric effect systems
E Cremades, S Gomez-Coca, D Aravena, S Alvarez, E Ruiz
Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (25), 10532-10542, 2012
Improved Segmented All-Electron Relativistically Contracted Basis Sets for the Lanthanides
D Aravena, F Neese, DA Pantazis
Journal of chemical theory and computation 12 (3), 1148-1156, 2016
Periodic Trends in Lanthanide Compounds through the Eyes of Multireference ab Initio Theory
D Aravena, M Atanasov, F Neese
Inorganic chemistry 55 (9), 4457-4469, 2016
Enhanced bistability by guest inclusion in Fe (II) spin crossover porous coordination polymers
FJM Lara, AB Gaspar, D Aravena, E Ruiz, MC Muñoz, M Ohba, R Ohtani, ...
Chemical Communications 48 (39), 4686-4688, 2012
A low spin manganese (IV) nitride single molecule magnet
M Ding, GE Cutsail III, D Aravena, M Amoza, M Rouzières, ...
Chemical Science 7 (9), 6132-6140, 2016
Spin dynamics in single-molecule magnets and molecular qubits
D Aravena, E Ruiz
Dalton Transactions 49 (29), 9916-9928, 2020
Rational Electrostatic Design of Easy‐Axis Magnetic Anisotropy in a ZnII–DyIII–ZnII Single‐Molecule Magnet with a High Energy Barrier
I Oyarzabal, J Ruiz, JM Seco, M Evangelisti, A Camón, E Ruiz, D Aravena, ...
Chemistry–A European Journal 20 (44), 14262-14269, 2014
High performance single-molecule magnets, Orbach or Raman relaxation suppression?
A Castro-Alvarez, Y Gil, L Llanos, D Aravena
Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers 7 (13), 2478-2486, 2020
CuII GdIII Cryogenic Magnetic Refrigerants and Cu8Dy9 Single‐Molecule Magnet Generated by In Situ Reactions of Picolinaldehyde and Acetylpyridine: Experimental and Theoretical …
JL Liu, WQ Lin, YC Chen, S Gómez‐Coca, D Aravena, E Ruiz, JD Leng, ...
Chemistry-A European Journal 19 (51), 17567-17577, 2013
Ab Initio Prediction of Tunneling Relaxation Times and Effective Demagnetization Barriers in Kramers Lanthanide Single-Molecule Magnets
D Aravena
The journal of physical chemistry letters 9 (18), 5327-5333, 2018
Reversible chemisorption of sulfur dioxide in a spin crossover porous coordination polymer
Z Arcis-Castillo, FJ Munoz-Lara, MC Muñoz, D Aravena, AB Gaspar, ...
Inorganic chemistry 52 (21), 12777-12783, 2013
Guest Modulation of Spin‐Crossover Transition Temperature in a Porous Iron (II) Metal–Organic Framework: Experimental and Periodic DFT Studies
D Aravena, ZA Castillo, MC Muñoz, AB Gaspar, K Yoneda, R Ohtani, ...
Chemistry-A European Journal 20 (40), 12864-12873, 2014
Two 3d–4f nanomagnets formed via a two-step in situ reaction of picolinaldehyde
JL Liu, YC Chen, QW Li, S Gómez-Coca, D Aravena, E Ruiz, WQ Lin, ...
Chemical Communications 49 (58), 6549-6551, 2013
Increasing the effective energy barrier promoted by the change of a counteranion in a Zn–Dy–Zn SMM: slow relaxation via the second excited state
I Oyarzabal, J Ruiz, E Ruiz, D Aravena, JM Seco, E Colacio
Chemical Communications 51 (62), 12353-12356, 2015
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Articles 1–20