Sam Brooke
Cited by
Cited by
Are landscapes buffered to high-frequency climate change? A comparison of sediment fluxes and depositional volumes in the Corinth Rift, central Greece, over the past 130 ky
SE Watkins, AC Whittaker, RE Bell, LC McNeill, RL Gawthorpe, ...
GSA Bulletin 131 (3-4), 372-388, 2019
Where rivers jump course
S Brooke, AJ Chadwick, J Silvestre, MP Lamb, DA Edmonds, V Ganti
Science 376 (6596), 987-990, 2022
New constraints on bedrock erodibility and landscape response times upstream of an active fault
JR Zondervan, AC Whittaker, RE Bell, SE Watkins, SAS Brooke, MG Hann
Geomorphology 351, 106937, 2020
Quantifying sediment transport dynamics on alluvial fans from spatial and temporal changes in grain size, Death Valley, California
SAS Brooke, AC Whittaker, JJ Armitage, M d'Arcy, SE Watkins
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 123 (8), 2039-2067, 2018
Straight from the source's mouth: Controls on field‐constrained sediment export across the entire active Corinth rift, central Greece
SE Watkins, AC Whittaker, RE Bell, SAS Brooke, V Ganti, RL Gawthorpe, ...
Basin Research 32 (6), 1600-1625, 2020
Rapid multispectral data sampling using Google Earth Engine
SAS Brooke, M D’Arcy, PJ Mason, AC Whittaker
Computers & Geosciences 135, 104366, 2020
Flood variability determines the location of lobe‐scale avulsions on deltas: Madagascar
SAS Brooke, V Ganti, AJ Chadwick, MP Lamb
Geophysical Research Letters 47 (20), e2020GL088797, 2020
Evidence for self‐similar bedload transport on andean alluvial fans, Iglesia Basin, South Central Argentina
RM Harries, LA Kirstein, AC Whittaker, M Attal, S Peralta, S Brooke
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 123 (9), 2292-2315, 2018
Decoding sediment transport dynamics on alluvial fans from spatial changes in grain size, Death Valley, California
S Brooke, A Whittaker, S Watkins, J Armitage
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 6677, 2017
Landscapes on the edge: River intermittency in a warming world
JS McLeod, AC Whittaker, RE Bell, GJ Hampson, SE Watkins, ...
Geology 52 (7), 512-516, 2024
MANTIS, a 12U smallsat mission taking advantage of super-resolution and artificial intelligence for high-resolution imagery
MMC Muñoz, F Deconinck, JB Ars, N Melega, C Pirat, BJ Soto, A Dunne, ...
Quantifying sediment dynamics and intermittency of gravel bed rivers; examples from the Gulf of Corinth
SE Watkins, A Whittaker, V Ganti, R Bell, S Brooke, R Gawthorpe, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 19573, 2018
Quantifying alluvial fan sensitivity to climate using spatial and temporal changes in grain size BSG funded field season to Death Valley, California
S Brooke
J Geophys Res: Earth Surf 123, 2039-2067, 2016
Using multispectral imagery to characterise weathering: A case study of moraines in the Central Andes
M D'Arcy, M Lang, TF Schildgen, HT Crawford, S Brooke
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 13843, 2024
MANTIS, A 12U Smallsat Mission Taking Advantage of Super-Resolution and Artificial Intelligence for High-Resolution Imagery
M Mercè Cañete Muñoz, F Deconinck, JB Ars, N Melega, C Pirat, BJ Soto, ...
Quantifying complementary measures of climate-driven sediment dynamics on alluvial fans
A Whittaker, S Brooke, M D'Arcy
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU-8198, 2023
Landscapes on the edge: solving the river intermittency puzzle
JS McLeod, AC Whittaker, RE Bell, GJ Hampson, SE Watkins, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU-5318, 2023
Where do rivers jump course?
V Ganti, S Brooke, A Chadwick, J Silvestre, D Edmonds, M Lamb
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, EP41A-04, 2021
Quantifying competing measures of sediment dynamics on alluvial fans: implications for reconstructing past environmental change
A Whittaker, S Brooke, M D'Arcy
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-12885, 2021
Abrupt Increase in the Mid-Holocene Flood Magnitudes Recorded in the Grain Size of Alluvial Fan Surfaces: Death Valley, CA
S Brooke, V Ganti, AC Whittaker, S Watkins
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, EP016-06, 2020
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Articles 1–20