Marco G. Genoni
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Cited by
Quantifying the non-Gaussian character of a quantum state by quantum relative entropy
MG Genoni, MGA Paris, K Banaszek
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 78 (6), 060303, 2008
Resource theory of quantum non-Gaussianity and Wigner negativity
F Albarelli, MG Genoni, MGA Paris, A Ferraro
Physical Review A 98 (5), 052350, 2018
Optical Phase Estimation in the Presence of Phase Diffusion
MG Genoni, S Olivares, MGA Paris
Physical Review Letters 106 (15), 153603, 2011
Quantifying non-Gaussianity for quantum information
MG Genoni, MGA Paris
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 82 (5), 052341, 2010
Joint estimation of phase and phase diffusion for quantum metrology
MD Vidrighin, G Donati, MG Genoni, XM Jin, WS Kolthammer, MS Kim, ...
Nature Communications 5, 2014
Measure of the non-Gaussian character of a quantum state
MG Genoni, MGA Paris, K Banaszek
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 76 (4), 042327, 2007
A perspective on multiparameter quantum metrology: from theoretical tools to applications in quantum imaging
F Albarelli, M Barbieri, MG Genoni, I Gianani
Physics Letters A 384 (12), 126311, 2020
Optimal estimation of joint parameters in phase space
MG Genoni, MGA Paris, G Adesso, H Nha, PL Knight, MS Kim
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (1), 012107, 2013
Detecting quantum non-Gaussianity via the Wigner function
MG Genoni, ML Palma, T Tufarelli, S Olivares, MS Kim, MGA Paris
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (6), 062104, 2013
Experimental estimation of one-parameter qubit gates in the presence of phase diffusion
D Brivio, S Cialdi, S Vezzoli, BT Gebrehiwot, MG Genoni, S Olivares, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 81 (1), 012305, 2010
Non-Gaussianity of quantum states: An experimental test on single-photon-added coherent states
M Barbieri, N Spagnolo, MG Genoni, F Ferreyrol, R Blandino, MGA Paris, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 82 (6), 063833, 2010
Restoring Heisenberg scaling in noisy quantum metrology by monitoring the environment
F Albarelli, MAC Rossi, D Tamascelli, MG Genoni
Quantum 2, 110, 2018
Precision thermometry and the quantum speed limit
S Campbell, MG Genoni, S Deffner
Quantum Science and Technology 3 (2), 025002, 2018
Quantum non-Gaussianity witnesses in phase space
C Hughes, MG Genoni, T Tufarelli, MGA Paris, MS Kim
Physical Review A 90 (1), 013810, 2014
Optical interferometry in the presence of large phase diffusion
MG Genoni, S Olivares, D Brivio, S Cialdi, D Cipriani, A Santamato, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 85 (4), 043817, 2012
Conditional and unconditional Gaussian quantum dynamics
MG Genoni, L Lami, A Serafini
Contemporary Physics 57 (3), 331-349, 2016
Homodyne estimation of Gaussian quantum discord
R Blandino, MG Genoni, J Etesse, M Barbieri, MGA Paris, P Grangier, ...
Physical review letters 109 (18), 180402, 2012
Optimal estimation of entanglement
MG Genoni, P Giorda, MGA Paris
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 78 (3), 032303, 2008
Multiparameter approach to quantum phase estimation with limited visibility
E Roccia, V Cimini, M Sbroscia, I Gianani, L Ruggiero, L Mancino, ...
Optica 5 (10), 1171-1176, 2018
Ultimate limits for quantum magnetometry via time-continuous measurements
F Albarelli, MAC Rossi, MGA Paris, MG Genoni
New Journal of Physics 19 (12), 123011, 2017
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Articles 1–20