Prof.Dr.Adnan SOZEN
Cited by
Cited by
Comparative analysis and forecasting of COVID-19 cases in various European countries with ARIMA, NARNN and LSTM approaches
İ Kırbaş, A Sözen, AD Tuncer, FŞ Kazancıoğlu
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 138, 110015, 2020
Estimation of solar potential in Turkey by artificial neural networks using meteorological and geographical data
A Sözen, E Arcaklioğlu, M Özalp
Energy Conversion and Management 45 (18-19), 3033-3052, 2004
Use of artificial neural networks for mapping of solar potential in Turkey
A Sözen, E Arcaklioǧlu, M Özalp, EG Kanit
Applied Energy 77 (3), 273-286, 2004
Forecasting based on neural network approach of solar potential in Turkey
A Sözen, E Arcaklıoğlu, M Özalp, N Çağlar
Renewable Energy 30 (7), 1075-1090, 2005
Solar-energy potential in Turkey
A Sözen, E Arcaklioğlu, M Özalp, EG Kanit
Applied Energy 80 (4), 367-381, 2005
Turkey’s net energy consumption
A Sözen, E Arcaklioğlu, M Özkaymak
Applied Energy 81 (2), 209-221, 2005
Determination of efficiency of flat-plate solar collectors using neural network approach
A Sözen, T Menlik, S Ünvar
Expert Systems with Applications 35 (4), 1533-1539, 2008
Comparative study of mathematical and experimental analysis of spark ignition engine performance used ethanol–gasoline blend fuel
HS Yücesu, A Sozen, T Topgül, E Arcaklioğlu
Applied Thermal Engineering 27 (2-3), 358-368, 2007
Performance enhancement of a greenhouse dryer: Analysis of a cost-effective alternative solar air heater
A Khanlari, A Sözen, C Şirin, AD Tuncer, A Gungor
Journal of Cleaner Production 251, 119672, 2020
Prediction of net energy consumption based on economic indicators (GNP and GDP) in Turkey
A Sözen, E Arcaklioglu
Energy policy 35 (10), 4981-4992, 2007
Effect of titanium dioxide/water nanofluid use on thermal performance of the flat plate solar collector
F Kiliç, T Menlik, A Sözen
Solar Energy 164, 101-108, 2018
Assessment of operational and environmental performance of the thermal power plants in Turkey by using data envelopment analysis
A Sözen, I Alp, A Özdemir
Energy Policy 38 (10), 6194-6203, 2010
Future projection of the energy dependency of Turkey using artificial neural network
A Sözen
Energy policy 37 (11), 4827-4833, 2009
Improving car radiator performance by using TiO2-water nanofluid
SA Ahmed, M Ozkaymak, A Sözen, T Menlik, A Fahed
Engineering science and technology, an international journal 21 (5), 996-1005, 2018
Effect of heat exchangers on performance of absorption refrigeration systems
A Sözen
Energy conversion and management 42 (14), 1699-1716, 2001
Energy and exergy analysis of a photovoltaic thermal (PVT) system used in solar dryer: A numerical and experimental investigation
E Çiftçi, A Khanlari, A Sözen, İ Aytaç, AD Tuncer
Renewable Energy 180, 410-423, 2021
Energy-exergy and enviro-economic survey of solar air heaters with various air channel modifications
AD Tuncer, A Khanlari, A Sözen, EY Gürbüz, C Şirin, A Gungor
Renewable Energy 160, 67-85, 2020
Simulation and experimental analysis of heat transfer characteristics in the plate type heat exchangers using TiO2/water nanofluid
A Khanlari, A Sözen, Hİ Variyenli
International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 29 (4 …, 2019
Experimental and numerical study on enhancement of heat transfer characteristics of a heat pipe utilizing aqueous clinoptilolite nanofluid
A Sözen, M Gürü, A Khanlari, E Çiftçi
Applied Thermal Engineering 160, 114001, 2019
A new approach to thermodynamic analysis of ejector–absorption cycle: artificial neural networks
A Sözen, E Arcaklioǧlu, M Özalp
Applied Thermal Engineering 23 (8), 937-952, 2003
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Articles 1–20