Laura Giordano
Cited by
Cited by
Semantic characterization of rational closure: From propositional logic to description logics
L Giordano, V Gliozzi, N Olivetti, GL Pozzato
Artificial Intelligence 226, 1-33, 2015
A non-monotonic description logic for reasoning about typicality
L Giordano, V Gliozzi, N Olivetti, GL Pozzato
Artificial Intelligence 195, 165-202, 2013
ALC+ T: a preferential extension of description logics
L Giordano, N Olivetti, V Gliozzic, GL Pozzato
Fundamenta Informaticae 96 (3), 341-372, 2009
Preferential description logics
L Giordano, V Gliozzi, N Olivetti, GL Pozzato
LPAR 2007 - International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial …, 2007
Specifying and verifying interaction protocols in a temporal action logic
L Giordano, A Martelli, C Schwind
Journal of Applied Logic 5 (2), 214-234, 2007
A tableau calculus for multimodal logics and some (un) decidability results
M Baldoni, L Giordano, A Martelli
Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods …, 1998
Ramification and causality in a modal action logic
L Giordano, A Martelli, C Schwind
Journal of logic and computation 10 (5), 625-662, 2000
Adopting model checking techniques for clinical guidelines verification
A Bottrighi, L Giordano, G Molino, S Montani, P Terenziani, M Torchio
Artificial intelligence in medicine 48 (1), 1-19, 2010
Reasoning about typicality in preferential description logics
L Giordano, V Gliozzi, N Olivetti, GL Pozzato
Logics in Artificial Intelligence, 11th European Conference, JELIA 2008, 192-205, 2008
Conditional logic of actions and causation
L Giordano, C Schwind
Artificial intelligence 157 (1-2), 239-279, 2004
Reasoning about actions in dynamic linear time temporal logic
L Giordano, A Martelli, C Schwind
Logic Journal of the IGPL 9 (2), 273-288, 2001
Analytic tableaux calculi for KLM logics of nonmonotonic reasoning
L Giordano, V Gliozzi, N Olivetti, GL Pozzato
ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (ToCL) 10 (3), 1-47, 2009
Programming rational agents in a modal action logic
M Baldoni, A Martelli, V Patti, L Giordano
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 41, 207-257, 2004
A modal extension of logic programming: Modularity, beliefs and hypothetical reasoning
M Baldoni, L Giordano, A Martelli
Journal of Logic and Computation 8 (5), 597-635, 1998
Minimal model semantics and rational closure in description logics
L Giordano, V Gliozzi, N Olivetti, G Pozzato
CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1014, 168-180, 2013
Model checking for clinical guidelines: an agent-based approach
L Giordano, P Terenziani, A Bottrighi, S Montani, L Donzella
Amia annual symposium proceedings 2006, 289, 2006
A minimal model semantics for nonmonotonic reasoning
L Giordano, V Gliozzi, N Olivetti, GL Pozzato
European Workshop on Logics in Artificial Intelligence, 228-241, 2012
Weak AGM postulates and strong ramsey test: A logical formalization
L Giordano, V Gliozzi, N Olivetti
Artificial Intelligence 168 (1-2), 1-37, 2005
Generalized stable models, truth maintenance and conflict resolution
L Giordano, A Martelli
Logic programming, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference, 427-441, 1990
Weighted Defeasible Knowledge Bases and a Multipreference Semantics for a Deep Neural Network Model
L Giordano, D Theseider Dupré
17th European Conf. on Logics in AI, JELIA 2021, May 17-20, volume 12678 of …, 2021
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Articles 1–20