Dongdong Zhao
Cited by
Cited by
A study of the effects of stemming strategies on arabic document classification
YA Alhaj, J Xiang, D Zhao, MAA Al-Qaness, M Abd Elaziz, A Dahou
IEEE access 7, 32664-32671, 2019
K-means clustering and kNN classification based on negative databases
D Zhao, X Hu, S Xiong, J Tian, J Xiang, J Zhou, H Li
Applied soft computing 110, 107732, 2021
Negative Iris Recognition
D Zhao, W Luo, R Liu, L Yue
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2016
Task allocation for multi-agent systems based on distributed many-objective evolutionary algorithm and greedy algorithm
J Zhou, X Zhao, X Zhang, D Zhao, H Li
Ieee Access 8, 19306-19318, 2020
Iris template protection based on local ranking
D Zhao, S Fang, J Xiang, J Tian, S Xiong
Security and Communication Networks 2018 (1), 4519548, 2018
An ontology-based knowledge sharing portal for software testing
S Vasanthapriyan, J Tian, D Zhao, S Xiong, J Xiang
2017 IEEE international conference on software quality, reliability and …, 2017
One-time password authentication scheme based on the negative database
D Zhao, W Luo
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 62, 396-404, 2017
Analysis of software aging in android
C Weng, J Xiang, S Xiong, D Zhao, C Yang
2016 IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering …, 2016
Using machine learning for software aging detection in Android system
S Huo, D Zhao, X Liu, J Xiang, Y Zhong, H Yu
2018 Tenth International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence …, 2018
CVSkSA: cross-architecture vulnerability search in firmware based on kNN-SVM and attributed control flow graph
D Zhao, H Lin, L Ran, M Han, J Tian, L Lu, S Xiong, J Xiang
Software Quality Journal 27, 1045-1068, 2019
Three branches of negative representation of information: A survey
W Luo, R Liu, H Jiang, D Zhao, L Wu
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence 2 (6 …, 2018
A fine-grained algorithm for generating hard-toreverse negative databases
D Zhao, W Luo, R Liu, L Yue
2015 International Workshop on Artificial Immune Systems (AIS), 1-8, 2015
A new software rejuvenation model for Android
J Xiang, C Weng, D Zhao, J Tian, S Xiong, L Li, A Andrzejakb
2018 IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering …, 2018
On location and trace privacy of the moving object using the negative survey
W Luo, Y Lu, D Zhao, H Jiang
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence 1 (2 …, 2017
Software aging and rejuvenation in android: new models and metrics
J Xiang, C Weng, D Zhao, A Andrzejak, S Xiong, L Li, J Tian
Software Quality Journal 28, 85-106, 2020
An Ontology-based Knowledge Management System for Software Testing.
S Vasanthapriyan, J Tian, D Zhao, S Xiong, J Xiang
SEKE, 230-235, 2017
Cvssa: Cross-architecture vulnerability search in firmware based on support vector machine and attributed control flow graph
H Lin, D Zhao, L Ran, M Han, J Tian, J Xiang, X Ma, Y Zhong
2017 International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications …, 2017
Rating credits of online merchants using negative ranks
W Luo, H Jiang, D Zhao
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence 1 (5 …, 2017
Cross-project aging-related bug prediction based on joint distribution adaptation and improved subclass discriminant analysis
B Xu, D Zhao, K Jia, J Zhou, J Tian, J Xiang
2020 IEEE 31st International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering …, 2020
Effects of light stemming on feature extraction and selection for arabic documents classification
YA Alhaj, MAA Al-qaness, A Dahou, M Abd Elaziz, D Zhao, J Xiang
Recent Advances in NLP: The Case of Arabic Language, 59-79, 2020
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Articles 1–20