Eric S Taylor
Eric S Taylor
Associate Professor, Harvard University, Graduate School of Education
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Cited by
The effect of evaluation on teacher performance
ES Taylor, JH Tyler
American Economic Review 102 (7), 3628-3651, 2012
Virtual classrooms: How online college courses affect student success
E Bettinger, L Fox, S Loeb, ES Taylor
American Economic Review 107 (9), 2855-2875, 2017
Identifying effective classroom practices using student achievement data
TJ Kane, ES Taylor, JH Tyler, AL Wooten
Journal of Human Resources 46 (3), 587-613, 2011
Learning job skills from colleagues at work: Evidence from a field experiment using teacher performance data
JP Papay, ES Taylor, JH Tyler, ME Laski
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 12 (1), 359-388, 2020
Can teacher evaluation improve teaching?
ES Taylor, JH Tyler
Education Next 12 (4), 10, 2012
Teacher applicant hiring and teacher performance: Evidence from DC Public Schools
B Jacob, JE Rockoff, ES Taylor, B Lindy, R Rosen
Journal of Public Economics 166, 81-97, 2018
Information and employee evaluation: Evidence from a randomized intervention in public schools
JE Rockoff, DO Staiger, TJ Kane, ES Taylor
American Economic Review 102 (7), 3184-3213, 2012
Using student performance data to identify effective classroom practices
JH Tyler, ES Taylor, TJ Kane, AL Wooten
American Economic Review, Papers & Proceedings 100 (2), 256-260, 2010
Spending more of the school day in math class: Evidence from a regression discontinuity in middle school
E Taylor
Journal of Public Economics 114, 162-181, 2014
Evaluating teacher effectiveness: Can classroom observations identify practices that raise achievement?
TJ Kane, ES Taylor, JH Tyler, AL Wooten
Education Next 11 (3), 54, 2011
The effects of class size in online college courses: Experimental evidence
E Bettinger, C Doss, S Loeb, A Rogers, E Taylor
Economics of Education Review 58, 68-85, 2017
Teacher peer observation and student test scores: Evidence from a field experiment in English secondary schools
S Burgess, S Rawal, ES Taylor
Journal of Labor Economics 39 (4), 1155-1186, 2021
When inputs are outputs: The case of graduate student instructors
EP Bettinger, BT Long, ES Taylor
Economics of Education Review 52, 63-76, 2016
Does evaluation change teacher effort and performance? Quasi-experimental evidence from a policy of retesting students
E Aucejo, T Romano, ES Taylor
Review of Economics and Statistics 104 (3), 417-430, 2022
Skills, job tasks, and productivity in teaching: Evidence from a randomized trial of instruction practices
ES Taylor
Journal of Labor Economics 36 (3), 711-742, 2018
New technology and teacher productivity
E Taylor
Working paper, 2018
Remote but influential: Peer effects and reflection in online higher education classrooms
EP Bettinger, S Loeb, ES Taylor
Center for Education Policy Analysis, 2014
Teachers’ use of class time and student achievement
SM Burgess, S Rawal, ES Taylor
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2022
Teacher evaluation and training
ES Taylor
The Handbook of the Economics of Education 7, 2023
Understanding human resources in broad access higher education
S Loeb, A Paglayan, E Taylor
Remaking College: The Changing Ecology of Higher Education, 2014
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Articles 1–20