Liping Yan
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Cited by
Precision PGC demodulation for homodyne interferometer modulated with a combined sinusoidal and triangular signal
L Yan, Z Chen, B Chen, J Xie, S Zhang, Y Lou, E Zhang
Optics express 26 (4), 4818-4831, 2018
Laser homodyne straightness interferometer with simultaneous measurement of six degrees of freedom motion errors for precision linear stage metrology
Y Lou, L Yan, B Chen, S Zhang
Optics express 25 (6), 6805-6821, 2017
Extraction of carrier phase delay for nonlinear errors compensation of PGC demodulation in an SPM interferometer
J Xie, L Yan, B Chen, Y Lou
Journal of Lightwave Technology 37 (13), 3422-3430, 2019
Real-time phase delay compensation of PGC demodulation in sinusoidal phase-modulation interferometer for nanometer displacement measurement
S Zhang, L Yan, B Chen, Z Xu, J Xie
Optics Express 25 (1), 472-485, 2017
Real-time normalization and nonlinearity evaluation methods of the PGC-arctan demodulation in an EOM-based sinusoidal phase modulating interferometer
S Zhang, B Chen, L Yan, Z Xu
Optics express 26 (2), 605-616, 2018
Nonlinear error compensation of PGC demodulation with the calculation of carrier phase delay and phase modulation depth
L Yan, Y Zhang, J Xie, Y Lou, B Chen, S Zhang, Y Zhou
Journal of Lightwave Technology 39 (8), 2327-2335, 2021
PIC 16F87X 数据手册: 28/40 脚 8 位 FLASH 单片机
刘和平, 黃开长, 严利平
Beijing hang kong hang tian da xue chu ban she, 2001
Laser straightness interferometer system with rotational error compensation and simultaneous measurement of six degrees of freedom error parameters
B Chen, B Xu, L Yan, E Zhang, Y Liu
Optics express 23 (7), 9052-9073, 2015
A laser interferometer for measuring straightness and its position based on heterodyne interferometry
B Chen, E Zhang, L Yan, C Li, W Tang, Q Feng
Review of Scientific Instruments 80 (11), 2009
A robust phase unwrapping algorithm based on reliability mask and weighted minimum least-squares method
L Yan, H Zhang, R Zhang, X Xie, B Chen
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 112, 39-45, 2019
A PGC-DCDM demodulation scheme insensitive to phase modulation depth and carrier phase delay in an EOM-based SPM interferometer
S Zhang, Y Chen, B Chen, L Yan, J Xie, Y Lou
Optics Communications 474, 126183, 2020
Development of a laser synthetic wavelength interferometer for large displacement measurement with nanometer accuracy
B Chen, L Yan, X Yao, T Yang, D Li, W Dong, C Li, W Tang
Optics express 18 (3), 3000-3010, 2010
Laser heterodyne interferometer with rotational error compensation for precision displacement measurement
E Zhang, B Chen, H Zheng, L Yan, X Teng
Optics express 26 (1), 90-98, 2018
Precision measurement of refractive index of air based on laser synthetic wavelength interferometry with Edlén equation estimation
L Yan, B Chen, E Zhang, S Zhang, Y Yang
Review of Scientific Instruments 86 (8), 2015
Phase aberration compensation of digital holographic microscopy with curve fitting preprocessing and automatic background segmentation for microstructure testing
L Huang, L Yan, B Chen, Y Zhou, T Yang
Optics Communications 462, 125311, 2020
Laser heterodyne interferometer for simultaneous measuring displacement and angle based on the Faraday effect
E Zhang, Q Hao, B Chen, L Yan, Y Liu
Optics express 22 (21), 25587-25598, 2014
Sinusoidal phase modulating absolute distance measurement interferometer combining frequency-sweeping and multi-wavelength interferometry
S Zhang, Z Xu, B Chen, L Yan, J Xie
Optics Express 26 (7), 9273-9284, 2018
Iterative compensation of nonlinear error of heterodyne interferometer
J Xie, L Yan, B Chen, S Zhang
Optics express 25 (4), 4470-4482, 2017
A phase differential heterodyne interferometer for simultaneous measurement of straightness error and displacement
Y Lou, Z Li, L Yan, B Chen, J Jiang
Optics Communications 497, 127195, 2021
Phase-modulated dual-homodyne interferometer without periodic nonlinearity
L Yan, B Chen, Z Chen, J Xie, E Zhang, S Zhang
Measurement Science and Technology 28 (11), 115006, 2017
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