Grzegorz Mikiciuk
Grzegorz Mikiciuk
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Cited by
Mycorrhizal frequency, physiological parameters, and yield of strawberry plants inoculated with endomycorrhizal fungi and rhizosphere bacteria
G Mikiciuk, L Sas-Paszt, M Mikiciuk, E Derkowska, P Trzciński, S Głuszek, ...
Mycorrhiza 29, 489-501, 2019
The effects of anitranspirant di-1-p-menthene on some physiological traits of strawberry
G Mikiciuk, M Mikiciuk, P Ptak
Journal of Ecological Engineering 16 (4), 161-167, 2015
An integrated multi-omics and artificial intelligence framework for advance plant phenotyping in horticulture
D Cembrowska-Lech, A Krzemińska, T Miller, A Nowakowska, C Adamski, ...
Biology 12 (10), 1298, 2023
Mineral composition of high blueberry leaves and fruits depending on substrate type used for cultivation
I Ochmian, J Grajkowski, G Mikiciuk, K Ostrowska, P Chelpinski
Journal of Elementology 14 (3), 509-516, 2009
Influence of superabsorbent polymers on the chemical composition of strawberry (× Duch.) and biological activity in the soil
G Mikiciuk, M Mikiciuk, M Hawrot-Paw
Folia Horticulturae 27 (1), 63-69, 2015
Changes in Growth and Physiological Parameters of ×Amarine Following an Exogenous Application of Gibberellic Acid and Methyl Jasmonate
P Salachna, M Mikiciuk, A Zawadzińska, R Piechocki, P Ptak, G Mikiciuk, ...
Agronomy 10 (7), 980, 2020
The effects of foliar nutrition with InCa fertilizer on the chemical composition of leaves and fruits of sweet cherry
G Mikiciuk, M Mikiciuk, E Możdżer, M Statkiewicz, U Chylewska
Journal of Ecological Engineering 16 (2), 116-119, 2015
Effects of Rhizosphere Bacteria on Strawberry Plants (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) under Water Deficit
D Paliwoda, G Mikiciuk, M Mikiciuk, A Kisiel, L Sas-Paszt, T Miller
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (18), 10449, 2022
Use of rhizosphere microorganisms in plant production–a review study
D Paliwoda, G Mikiciuk
Journal of Ecological Engineering 21 (8), 2020
Machine learning approaches for forecasting the best microbial strains to alleviate drought impact in agriculture
T Miller, G Mikiciuk, A Kisiel, M Mikiciuk, D Paliwoda, L Sas-Paszt, ...
Agriculture 13 (8), 1622, 2023
Effect of polymer supersorbent added to medium on the content of mineral elements in strawberry leaves and fruit
G Mikiciuk, M Mikiciuk
Journal of Elementology 15 (2), 313-319, 2010
Physiological response of three grapevine cultivars grown in north-western Poland to mycorrhizal fungi
G Mikiciuk, L Sas-Paszt, M Mikiciuk, E Derkowska, P Trzcinski, P Ptak, ...
South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture 40 (1), 1-14, 2019
The effect of antitranspirant on the content of microelements and trace elements in sweet cherry leaves and fruits
G Mikiciuk, E Możdżer, M Mikiciuk, P Chełpiński
Journal of Ecological Engineering 14 (4), 36--38, 2013
The Effect of Methyl Anthranilate-Based Repellent on Chemical Composition and Selected Physiological Parameters of Sweet Cherry (Prunus avium L.)
G Mikiciuk, P Chełpiński, M Mikiciuk, E Możdżer, A Telesiński
Agronomy 11 (2), 256, 2021
Wpływ dolistnego nawożenia potasowo-krzemowego na wybrane cechy fizjologiczne truskawki (Fragaria ananassa Duch.) odmiany Elvira
G Mikiciuk, M Mikiciuk
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Sectio E. Agricultura 64 (4 …, 2009
Wplyw stosowania preparatow Wapnowit i Calcinit na pekanie owocow czeresni odmiany'Burlat'
P Chelpinski, J Lewandowski, J Gembara, G Mikiciuk
Roczniki Akademii Rolniczej w Poznaniu. Ogrodnictwo 41, 291-296, 2007
Wzrost, plonowanie oraz jedrnosc owocow dwoch odmian borowki wysokiej [Vaccinium corymbosum L.] uprawianej w trzech typach podlozy organicznych
I Ochmian, J Grajkowski, K Ostrowska, G Mikiciuk
Zeszyty Naukowe Instytutu Sadownictwa i Kwiaciarstwa w Skierniewicach 15, 47-54, 2007
Przynależność systematyczna oraz właściwości fizykochemiczne gleb występujących w obrębie Stacji Doświadczalnej w Dołujach
G Mikiciuk
Folia Univ. Agric. Stettin., Agricultura 209 (83), 99-111, 2000
Trzci nski, P.; Głuszek, S.; Rudnicka, J. Mycorrhizal frequency, physiological parameters, and yield of strawberry plants inoculated with endomycorrhizal fungi and rhizosphere …
G Mikiciuk, L Sas-Paszt, M Mikiciuk, E Derkowska
Mycorrhiza 29, 489-501, 2019
The influence of foliar application of potassium and silicon fertilizer on some physiological features of strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch.) variety Elvira
G Mikiciuk, M Mikiciuk
Annales UMCS, Agricultura 64 (4), 2009
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Articles 1–20