Jane Page
Cited by
Cited by
Early childhood educators’ wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic
P Eadie, P Levickis, L Murray, J Page, C Elek, A Church
Early childhood education journal 49 (5), 903-913, 2021
Critical features of effective coaching for early childhood educators: A review of empirical research literature
C Elek, J Page
Professional development in education 45 (4), 567-585, 2019
Masterly preparation: embedding clinical practice in a graduate pre-service teacher education programme
L Davies, A M, J Deans, S Dinham, P Griffin, B Kameniar, J Page, C Reid, ...
Masterliness in the teaching profession, 92-105, 2016
Reframing the early childhood curriculum: Educational imperatives for the future
J Page
Routledge, 2002
Between the big trees: A project-based approach to investigating shape and spatial thinking in a kindergarten program
C Cohrssen, B de Quadros-Wander, J Page, S Klarin
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood 42 (1), 94-104, 2017
Teachers as brokers: perceptions of “participation” and agency in early childhood education and care
S Mentha, A Church, J Page
The International Journal of Children's Rights 23 (3), 622-637, 2015
Articulating a rights-based argument for mathematics teaching and learning in early childhood education
C Cohrssen, J Page
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood 41 (3), 104-108, 2016
Domains of quality in early childhood education and care: A scoping review of the extent and consistency of the literature
P Eadie, J Page, P Levickis, C Elek, L Murray, L Wang, C Lloyd-Johnsen
Educational Review 76 (4), 1057-1086, 2024
Coaching for continuous improvement in collaborative, interdisciplinary early childhood teams
P Page, J., & Eadie
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood. 44 (3), 270-283, 2019
Parents' perspectives of family engagement with early childhood education and care during COVID-19 pandemic
G Levickis, P., Murray, L., Lee-Pang, L., Eadie, P., Page, J., Lee, W.Y., Hill
Early Childhood Education Journal, 2022
An Abecedarian Approach with Aboriginal Families and Their Young Children in Australia: Playgroup Participation and Developmental Outcomes
J Page, J., Cock, M., Murray, L., Eadie, P., Niklas, F., Scull, J & Sparling
International Journal of Early Childhood, 2019
Education systems as agents of change: an overview of futures education
J Page
New thinking for a new millennium, 140-150, 2002
Challenges and supports for educator well-being: Perspectives of Australian early childhood educators during the COVID-19 pandemic
P Eadie, L Murray, P Levickis, J Page, A Church, C Elek
Teachers and Teaching 28 (5), 568-583, 2022
Learning and teaching in the early years
J Page, C Tayler
Cambridge University Press, 2016
The four and five year old's understanding of the future: A preliminary study
J Page
Futures 30 (9), 913-922, 1998
Symbolising the future: developing a futures iconography
J Page
Framing the future: a 21st century reader, 1996
Empowering aboriginal families as their children’s first teachers of cultural knowledge, languages and identity at Galiwin’ku FaFT Playgroup
D Gapany, M Murukun, J Goveas, J Dhurrkay, V Burarrwanga, J Page
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood 47 (1), 20-31, 2022
Enabling the exercise of choice and control: How early childhood intervention professionals may support families and young children with a disability to exercise choice and …
J Brien, J Page, J Berman
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood 42 (2), 37-44, 2017
Victorian advancing early learning study. Final report
N Pilsworth, C MacBean, C Tayler, J Page, P Eadie, F Niklas
August. Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: University of Melbourne, 2017
Partnering with families to promote learning
C Cohrssen, F Niklas
Learning and teaching in the early years, 90-111, 2016
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Articles 1–20