Pramod V. Mahajan, PhD
Pramod V. Mahajan, PhD
Senior Scientist & Group Leader, Leibniz Institute for Agril. Eng. & Bioeco (ATB), Potsdam, Germany
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Applications of plastic films for modified atmosphere packaging of fruits and vegetables: a review
S Mangaraj, TK Goswami, PV Mahajan
Food Engineering Reviews 1, 133-158, 2009
Postharvest treatments of fresh produce
PV Mahajan, OJ Caleb, Z Singh, CB Watkins, M Geyer
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2014
Modified Atmosphere Packaging Technology of Fresh and Fresh-cut Produce and the Microbial Consequences—A Review
OJ Caleb, PV Mahajan, FAJ Al-Said, UL Opara
Food and Bioprocess Technology 6 (2), 303-329, 2013
Effect of temperature and humidity on the transpiration rate of the whole mushrooms
PV Mahajan, FAR Oliveira, I Macedo
Journal of Food Engineering 84 (2), 281-288, 2008
Development of user-friendly software for design of modified atmosphere packaging for fresh and fresh-cut produce
PV Mahajan, FAR Oliveira, JC Montanez, J Frias
Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 8 (1), 84-92, 2007
Effect of modified atmosphere packaging and storage temperature on volatile composition and postharvest life of minimally-processed pomegranate arils (cvs.‘Acco’and ‘Herskawitz’)
OJ Caleb, UL Opara, PV Mahajan, M Manley, L Mokwena, AGJ Tredoux
Postharvest Biology and Technology 79, 54-61, 2013
Development of a moisture absorber for packaging of fresh mushrooms (Agaricus bisporous)
PV Mahajan, FAS Rodrigues, A Motel, A Leonhard
Postharvest biology and technology 48 (3), 408-414, 2008
Modelling the respiration rates of pomegranate fruit and arils
OJ Caleb, PV Mahajan, UL Opara, CR Witthuhn
Postharvest Biology and Technology 64 (1), 49-54, 2012
Quality assesment and postharvest technology of mango: A review of its current status and future perspectives
ML Ntsoane, M Zude-Sasse, P Mahajan, D Sivakumar
Scientia Horticulturae 249, 77-85, 2019
Development of shelf-life kinetic model for modified atmosphere packaging of fresh sliced mushrooms
F Oliveira, MJ Sousa-Gallagher, PV Mahajan, JA Teixeira
Journal of Food Engineering 111 (2), 466-473, 2012
Transpiration and moisture evolution in packaged fresh horticultural produce and the role of integrated mathematical models: A review
GG Bovi, OJ Caleb, M Linke, C Rauh, PV Mahajan
Biosystems Engineering 150, 24-39, 2016
Photocatalytic and Photochemical Oxidation of Ethylene: Potential for Storage of Fresh Produce: A Review
N Pathak, O Caleb, M Geyer, W Herppich, C Rauh, P Mahajan
Food and Bioprocess Technology, 1-20, 2017
Engineering packaging design accounting for transpiration rate: Model development and validation with strawberries
MJ Sousa-Gallagher, PV Mahajan, T Mezdad
Journal of Food Engineering 119 (2), 370-376, 2013
Mathematical modeling of the influence of temperature and gas composition on the respiration rate of shredded carrots
T Iqbal, FAS Rodrigues, PV Mahajan, JP Kerry
Journal of Food Engineering 91 (2), 325-332, 2009
Application of humidity-regulating tray for packaging of mushrooms
G Rux, PV Mahajan, M Geyer, M Linke, A Pant, S Saengerlaub, OJ Caleb
Postharvest Biology and Technology 108, 102-110, 2015
Quality and safety of fresh horticultural commodities: Recent advances and future perspectives
PV Mahajan, OJ Caleb, MI Gil, H Izumi, G Colelli, CB Watkins, M Zude
Food Packaging and Shelf Life 14 (A), 2-11, 2017
Modelling the effect of time and temperature on respiration rate of selected fresh-cut produce
RB Waghmare, PV Mahajan, US Annapure
Postharvest Biology and Technology 80, 25-30, 2013
Extended storage life of litchi fruit using controlled atmosphere and low temperature
PV Mahajan, TK Goswami
Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 28 (5), 388-403, 2004
Integrative mathematical modeling for MAP design of fresh-produce: Theoretical analysis and experimental validation
MJ Sousa-Gallagher, PV Mahajan
Food Control 29 (2), 444-450, 2013
Evaluation of MAP Engineering Design Parameters on Quality of Fresh-Sliced Mushrooms
F Oliveira, MJ Sousa-Gallagher, PV Mahajan, JA Teixeira
Journal of Food Engineering, 2012
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Articles 1–20