Pesquisador pleno do Instituto do Câncer do Estado de São Paulo - ICESP FMUSP
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Lipid raft disruption by docosahexaenoic acid induces apoptosis in transformed human mammary luminal epithelial cells harboring HER-2 overexpression
GR Ravacci, MM Brentani, T Tortelli Jr, RSMM Torrinhas, T Saldanha, ...
The Journal of nutritional biochemistry 24 (3), 505-515, 2013
Valproic acid inhibits human hepatocellular cancer cells growth in vitro and in vivo.
MC Cesar Machado, M Bellodi-Privato, MS Kubrusly, NA Trindade Molan, ...
Journal of experimental therapeutics & oncology 9 (2), 2011
Docosahexaenoic acid modulates a HER2‐associated lipogenic phenotype, induces apoptosis, and increases trastuzumab action in HER2‐overexpressing breast carcinoma cells
GR Ravacci, MM Brentani, TC Tortelli, RSMM Torrinhas, JR Santos, ...
BioMed research international 2015 (1), 838652, 2015
Emerging targets for combination therapy in melanomas
R de Freitas Saito, TC Tortelli Jr, MDA Jacomassi, AH Otake, R Chammas
FEBS letters 589 (22), 3438-3448, 2015
Sulforaphane: An emergent anti-cancer stem cell agent
LL Coutinho, TCT Junior, MC Rangel
Frontiers in Oncology 13, 1089115, 2023
Metformin impairs cisplatin resistance effects in A549 lung cancer cells through mTOR signaling and other metabolic pathways
AP Morelli, TC Tortelli Jr, ICB Pavan, FR Silva, DC Granato, GF Peruca, ...
International journal of oncology 58 (6), 28, 2021
Accumulation of prohibitin is a common cellular response to different stressing stimuli and protects melanoma cells from ER stress and chemotherapy-induced cell death
J Tharcisio Citrangulo Tortelli, LMF de Godoy, GA de Souza, D Bonatto, ...
Oncotarget 8 (26), 43114, 2017
Stochastic model of contact inhibition and the proliferation of melanoma in situ
MCC Morais, I Stuhl, AU Sabino, WW Lautenschlager, AS Queiroga, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 8026, 2017
STAT3 contributes to cisplatin resistance, modulating EMT markers, and the mTOR signaling in lung adenocarcinoma
AP Morelli, TC Tortelli Jr, MCS Mancini, ICB Pavan, LGS Silva, ...
Neoplasia 23 (10), 1048-1058, 2021
Metformin-induced chemosensitization to cisplatin depends on P53 status and is inhibited by Jarid1b overexpression in non-small cell lung cancer cells
TC Tortelli Jr, RE Tamura, M de Souza Junqueira, J da Silva Mororó, ...
Aging (Albany NY) 13 (18), 21914, 2021
Polymorphisms in the p27kip-1 and prohibitin genes denote novel genes associated with melanoma risk in Brazil, a high ultraviolet index region
G Francisco, FT Goncalves, OC Luiz, RF Saito, RA Toledo, T Sekiya, ...
Melanoma Research 23 (3), 231-236, 2013
Combined p14ARF and Interferon-β Gene Transfer to the Human Melanoma Cell Line SK-MEL-147 Promotes Oncolysis and Immune Activation
OLD Cerqueira, MA Clavijo-Salomon, EC Cardoso, ...
Frontiers in immunology 11, 576658, 2020
A stochastic binary model for the regulation of gene expression to investigate responses to gene therapy
G Giovanini, LRC Barros, LR Gama, TC Tortelli Jr, AF Ramos
Cancers 14 (3), 633, 2022
Distinct pattern of one-carbon metabolism, a nutrient-sensitive pathway, in invasive breast cancer: A metabolomic study
JR Santos, DL Waitzberg, IDCG da Silva, TCT Junior, LRC Barros, ...
Oncotarget 11 (18), 1637, 2020
Etiopatogenia: melanócito ao melanoma
G Francisco, TC Tortelli Júnior, R Chammas
Melanoma: diagnóstico e tratamento, 37-45, 2010
Role of galectin‐3 in the elastic response of radial growth phase melanoma cancer cells
N Herrera‐Reinoza, TC Tortelli Junior, FS Teixeira, R Chammas, ...
Microscopy Research and Technique 86 (10), 1353-1362, 2023
Abstract P1-08-08: Reduction of HER2-associated lipogenic phenotype by docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) induces apoptosis in breast tumor cells harboring HER2 overexpression
GR Ravacci, MM Brentani, W Festuccia, T Tortelli, AF Waitzberg, ...
Cancer Research 75 (9_Supplement), P1-08-08-P1-08-08, 2015
Melanoma Genetics: From Susceptibility to Progression
G Francisco, PDR Cirilo, FT Gonçalves, TCT Junior, R Chammas
Melanoma-From Early Detection to Treatment, 2013
Interaction between BRAF inhibitor PLX-4720 and CDK inhibitors can sensitize melanoma cells with BRAF V600E mutation
TC Tortelli, R Chammas, S Chellappan
Cancer Research 72 (8_Supplement), 5598-5598, 2012
A stochastic spatial model for heterogeneity in cancer growth
AS Queiroga, MCC Morais, TC Tortelli Jr, R Chammas, AF Ramos
BioRxiv, 584573, 2019
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Articles 1–20