Oscar Hernández
Oscar Hernández
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Decays of B mesons to two light pseudoscalars
M Gronau, OF Hernandez, D London, JL Rosner
Physical Review D 50 (7), 4529, 1994
Lepton masses in an SU (3) L⊗ U (1) N gauge model
R Foot, OF Hernandez, F Pisano, V Pleitez
Physical Review D 47 (9), 4158, 1993
Electroweak penguin diagrams and two-body B decays
M Gronau, OF Hernandez, D London, JL Rosner
Physical Review D 52 (11), 6374, 1995
Broken SU (3) symmetry in two-body B decays
M Gronau, OF Hernandez, D London, JL Rosner
arXiv preprint hep-ph/9504326, 1995
Fundamental bounds on the fidelity of sensory cortical coding
OI Rumyantsev, JA Lecoq, O Hernandez, Y Zhang, J Savall, ...
Nature 580 (7801), 100-105, 2020
Three-dimensional spatiotemporal focusing of holographic patterns
O Hernandez, E Papagiakoumou, D Tanese, K Fidelin, C Wyart, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 11928, 2016
Measuring strong and weak phases in time-independent B decays
OF Hernandez, D London, M Gronau, JL Rosner
Physics Letters B 333 (3-4), 500-506, 1994
Kilohertz two-photon brain imaging in awake mice
T Zhang, O Hernandez, R Chrapkiewicz, A Shai, MJ Wagner, Y Zhang, ...
Nature methods 16 (11), 1119-1122, 2019
Particle production in a hadron collider rapidity gap: the Higgs case
JR Cudell, OF Hernandez
Nuclear Physics B 471 (3), 471-499, 1996
The 21 cm signature of cosmic string wakes
RH Brandenberger, RJ Danos, OF Hernandez, GP Holder
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2010 (12), 028, 2010
Polarization states in and new physics
S Baek, A Datta, P Hamel, OF Hernández, D London
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 72 (9), 094008, 2005
NRQCD matrix elements in polarization of J/ψ produced from b decay
S Fleming, OF Hernandez, I Maksymyk, H Nadeau
Physical Review D 55 (7), 4098, 1997
Renormalization of four-fermion operators determining B− B¯ mixing on the lattice
JM Flynn, OF Hernandez, BR Hill
Physical Review D 43 (11), 3709, 1991
A neural circuit state change underlying skilled movements
MJ Wagner, J Savall, O Hernandez, G Mel, H Inan, O Rumyantsev, ...
Cell 184 (14), 3731-3747. e21, 2021
Central exclusive production of dijets at hadronic colliders
JR Cudell, A Dechambre, OF Hernandez, IP Ivanov
The European Physical Journal C 61, 369-390, 2009
Color gauge group and new low-energy phenomena
R Foot, OF Hernandez
Physical Review D 41 (7), 2283, 1990
Tadpole-improved perturbation theory for heavy-light lattice operators
OF Hernandez, BR Hill
Physical Review D 50 (1), 495, 1994
Feigin-Fuchs derivation of SU (1, 1) parafermion characters
PA Griffin, OF Hernandez
Nuclear Physics B 356 (1), 287-298, 1991
Fast and statistically robust cell extraction from large-scale neural calcium imaging datasets
H Inan, C Schmuckermair, T Tasci, BO Ahanonu, O Hernandez, J Lecoq, ...
BioRxiv, 2021.03. 24.436279, 2021
SU (5) c color model signatures at hadron colliders
R Foot, OF Hernandez, TG Rizzo
Physics Letters B 246 (1-2), 183-187, 1990
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Articles 1–20