Kemal Akkaya
Cited by
Cited by
A survey on routing protocols for wireless sensor networks
K Akkaya, M Younis
Ad hoc networks 3 (3), 325-349, 2005
Strategies and techniques for node placement in wireless sensor networks: A survey
M Younis, K Akkaya
Ad Hoc Networks 6 (4), 621-655, 2008
UAV-enabled intelligent transportation systems for the smart city: Applications and challenges
H Menouar, I Guvenc, K Akkaya, AS Uluagac, A Kadri, A Tuncer
IEEE Communications Magazine 55 (3), 22-28, 2017
An energy-aware QoS routing protocol for wireless sensor networks
K Akkaya, M Younis
23rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops …, 2003
Topology management techniques for tolerating node failures in wireless sensor networks: A survey
M Younis, IF Senturk, K Akkaya, S Lee, F Senel
Computer networks 58, 254-283, 2014
A survey on smart grid cyber-physical system testbeds
MH Cintuglu, OA Mohammed, K Akkaya, AS Uluagac
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 19 (1), 446-464, 2016
A survey of routing protocols for smart grid communications
N Saputro, K Akkaya, S Uludag
Computer Networks 56 (11), 2742-2771, 2012
Block4forensic: An integrated lightweight blockchain framework for forensics applications of connected vehicles
M Cebe, E Erdin, K Akkaya, H Aksu, S Uluagac
IEEE communications magazine 56 (10), 50-57, 2018
Drones for smart cities: Issues in cybersecurity, privacy, and public safety
E Vattapparamban, I Güvenç, AI Yurekli, K Akkaya, S Uluağaç
2016 international wireless communications and mobile computing conference …, 2016
Movement-assisted connectivity restoration in wireless sensor and actor networks
AA Abbasi, M Younis, K Akkaya
IEEE Transactions on parallel and distributed systems 20 (9), 1366-1379, 2008
IoT-based occupancy monitoring techniques for energy-efficient smart buildings
K Akkaya, I Guvenc, R Aygun, N Pala, A Kadri
2015 IEEE Wireless communications and networking conference workshops (WCNCW …, 2015
Distributed recovery from network partitioning in movable sensor/actor networks via controlled mobility
K Akkaya, F Senel, A Thimmapuram, S Uludag
IEEE Transactions on Computers 59 (2), 258-271, 2009
Sink repositioning for enhanced performance in wireless sensor networks
K Akkaya, M Younis, M Bangad
Computer Networks 49 (4), 512-534, 2005
On handling QoS traffic in wireless sensor networks
M Younis, K Akkaya, M Eltoweissy, A Wadaa
Proceedings of the 37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2004
Energy and QoS aware routing in wireless sensor networks
K Akkaya, M Younis
Cluster computing 8, 179-188, 2005
A distributed connectivity restoration algorithm in wireless sensor and actor networks
AA Abbasi, K Akkaya, M Younis
32nd IEEE conference on local computer networks (LCN 2007), 496-503, 2007
Privacy-preserving protocols for secure and reliable data aggregation in IoT-enabled smart metering systems
S Tonyali, K Akkaya, N Saputro, AS Uluagac, M Nojoumian
Future Generation Computer Systems 78, 547-557, 2018
Self-deployment of sensors for maximized coverage in underwater acoustic sensor networks
K Akkaya, A Newell
Computer Communications 32 (7-10), 1233-1244, 2009
Distributed recovery of actor failures in wireless sensor and actor networks
K Akkaya, A Thimmapuram, F Senel, S Uludag
2008 IEEE wireless communications and networking conference, 2480-2485, 2008
The impact of data aggregation on the performance of wireless sensor networks
K Akkaya, M Demirbas, RS Aygun
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 8 (2), 171-193, 2008
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Articles 1–20