Craig Longmore
Craig Longmore
National Oceanography Centre, University of Southampton
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A comparison of otolith microchemistry and otolith shape analysis for the study of spatial variation in a deep-sea teleost, Coryphaenoides rupestris
C Longmore, K Fogarty, F Neat, D Brophy, C Trueman, A Milton, S Mariani
Environmental biology of fishes 89, 591-605, 2010
Testing the long-term stability of marine isoscapes in shelf seas using jellyfish tissues
KM MacKenzie, C Longmore, C Preece, CH Lucas, CN Trueman
Biogeochemistry 121, 441-454, 2014
Otolith geochemistry indicates life-long spatial population structuring in a deep-sea fish, Coryphaenoides rupestris
C Longmore, CN Trueman, F Neat, EJ O’Gorman, JA Milton, S Mariani
Marine Ecology Progress Series 435, 209-224, 2011
Ocean-scale connectivity and life cycle reconstruction in a deep-sea fish
C Longmore, CN Trueman, F Neat, PE Jorde, H Knutsen, S Stefanni, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 71 (9), 1312-1323, 2014
Fish community structure and distribution in a macro-tidal inshore habitat in the Irish Sea
B Jovanovic, C Longmore, Á O'Leary, S Mariani
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 75 (1-2), 135-142, 2007
Spatial Segregation, Habitat Use and Life-history of Two Deep-sea Telecosts in the North Atlantic
C Longmore
University College Dublin, 2011
Accurate and precise Bayesian geographic assignment of marine shelf animals using isoscapes derived from jellyfish tissues
K Mackenzie, C Trueman, C Longmore, C Preece, C Lucas
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