Nicole Hill
Nicole Hill
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Integrating abundance and functional traits reveals new global hotspots of fish diversity
RD Stuart-Smith, AE Bates, JS Lefcheck, JE Duffy, SC Baker, RJ Thomson, ...
Nature 501 (7468), 539-542, 2013
Species traits and climate velocity explain geographic range shifts in an ocean‐warming hotspot
JM Sunday, GT Pecl, S Frusher, AJ Hobday, N Hill, NJ Holbrook, ...
Ecology letters 18 (9), 944-953, 2015
Statistical solutions for error and bias in global citizen science datasets
TJ Bird, AE Bates, JS Lefcheck, NA Hill, RJ Thomson, GJ Edgar, ...
Biological Conservation 173, 144-154, 2014
A comprehensive evaluation of predictive performance of 33 species distribution models at species and community levels
A Norberg, N Abrego, FG Blanchet, FR Adler, BJ Anderson, J Anttila, ...
Ecological monographs 89 (3), e01370, 2019
Defining and observing stages of climate-mediated range shifts in marine systems
AE Bates, GT Pecl, S Frusher, AJ Hobday, T Wernberg, DA Smale, ...
Global Environmental Change 26, 27-38, 2014
A standardised vocabulary for identifying benthic biota and substrata from underwater imagery: the CATAMI classification scheme
F Althaus, N Hill, R Ferrari, L Edwards, R Przeslawski, CHL Schönberg, ...
PloS one 10 (10), e0141039, 2015
Do marine substrates ‘look’and ‘sound’the same? Supervised classification of multibeam acoustic data using autonomous underwater vehicle images
V Lucieer, NA Hill, NS Barrett, S Nichol
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 117, 94-106, 2013
Beyond the bed: effects of metal contamination on recruitment to bedded sediments and overlying substrata
NA Hill, SL Simpson, EL Johnston
Environmental Pollution 173, 182-191, 2013
Phylogenetic and geographic variation in host breadth and composition by herbivorous amphipods in the family Ampithoidae
AGB Poore, NA Hill, EE Sotka
Evolution 62 (1), 21-38, 2008
Grazing effects of the sea urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii in two contrasting rocky reef habitats: effects of urchin density and its implications for the fishery
NA Hill, C Blount, AGB Poore, D Worthington, PD Steinberg
Marine and Freshwater Research 54 (6), 691-700, 2003
Quantifying wave exposure in shallow temperate reef systems: applicability of fetch models for predicting algal biodiversity
NA Hill, AR Pepper, ML Puotinen, MG Hughes, GJ Edgar, NS Barrett, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 417, 83-95, 2010
Filling the gaps: Predicting the distribution of temperate reef biota using high resolution biological and acoustic data
NA Hill, V Lucieer, NS Barrett, TJ Anderson, SB Williams
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 147, 137-147, 2014
Australian sea-floor survey data, with images and expert annotations
M Bewley, A Friedman, R Ferrari, N Hill, R Hovey, N Barrett, EM Marzinelli, ...
Scientific data 2 (1), 1-13, 2015
Subsurface Chlorophyll-a Maxima in the Southern Ocean
K Baldry, PG Strutton, NA Hill, PW Boyd
Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 671, 2020
Abundance and richness of key Antarctic seafloor fauna correlates with modelled food availability
J Jansen, NA Hill, PK Dunstan, J McKinlay, MD Sumner, AL Post, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 2 (1), 71-80, 2018
Sources of variation in herbivore preference: among-individual and past diet effects on amphipod host choice
AGB Poore, NA Hill
Marine Biology 149, 1403-1410, 2006
Contaminated suspended sediments toxic to an Antarctic filter feeder: Aqueous‐and particulate‐phase effects
NA Hill, CK King, LA Perrett, EL Johnston
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: An International Journal 28 (2), 409-417, 2009
CATAMI Classification Scheme for scoring marine biota and substrata in underwater imagery—A pictorial guide to the Collaborative and Annotation Tools for Analysis of Marine …
F Althaus, N Hill, L Edwards, R Ferrari, M Case, J Colquhoun, G Edgar, ...
Version 1.3, 2013
Image subsampling and point scoring approaches for large-scale marine benthic monitoring programs
NR Perkins, SD Foster, NA Hill, NS Barrett
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 176, 36-46, 2016
Choosing between strategies for designing surveys: autonomous underwater vehicles
SD Foster, GR Hosack, NA Hill, NS Barrett, VL Lucieer
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5 (3), 287-297, 2014
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Articles 1–20