Cited by
Cited by
Transformative social innovation and (dis) empowerment
F Avelino, JM Wittmayer, B Pel, P Weaver, A Dumitru, A Haxeltine, ...
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 145, 195-206, 2019
Towards a theory of transformative social innovation: A relational framework and 12 propositions
B Pel, A Haxeltine, F Avelino, A Dumitru, R Kemp, T Bauler, I Kunze, ...
Research Policy 49 (8), 104080, 2020
Towards a thick understanding of sustainability transitions—Linking transition management, capabilities and social practices
F Rauschmayer, T Bauler, N Schäpke
Ecological economics 109, 211-221, 2015
An analytical framework to discuss the usability of (environmental) indicators for policy
T Bauler
Ecological indicators 17, 38-45, 2012
The multiple roles of sustainability indicators in informational governance: between intended use and unanticipated influence
M Lehtonen, L Sébastien, T Bauler
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 18, 1-9, 2016
Use and influence of composite indicators for sustainable development at the EU-level
L Sébastien, T Bauler
Ecological indicators 35, 3-12, 2013
Environnement et inégalités sociales
P Cornut, E Zaccaï, J Theys, O Dubois, M Van Criekingen, G Wallenborn, ...
Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles, 2007
Can indicators bridge the gap between science and policy? An exploration into the (non) use and (non) influence of indicators in EU and UK policy making
L Sébastien, T Bauler, M Lehtonen
Nature and Culture 9 (3), 316-343, 2014
Towards a governance of sustainable consumption transitions: How institutional factors influence emerging local food systems in Belgium
V Van Gameren, C Ruwet, T Bauler
Local Environment 20 (8), 874-891, 2015
The institutionalization of social innovation: between transformation and capture
B Pel, T Bauler
TRANSIT working paper 2, 2-1, 2014
Science–policy challenges for biodiversity, public health and urbanization: examples from Belgium
H Keune, C Kretsch, G De Blust, M Gilbert, L Flandroy, K Van den Berge, ...
Environmental Research Letters 8 (2), 025015, 2013
Mettre à l’épreuve l’acceptabilité sociale
J Boissonade, R Barbier, T Bauler, MJ Fortin, Y Fournis, F Lemarchand, ...
VertigO-la revue électronique en sciences de l'environnement 16 (1), 2016
Identifying methodological challenges
T Bauler, I Douglas, P Daniels, V Demkine, N Eisenmenger, J Grosskurth, ...
Sustainability indicators: a scientific assessment, 49-64, 2007
Scenarios based on sustainability discourses: Constructing alternative consumption and consumer perspectives
M Crivits, E Paredis, PM Boulanger, EJK Mutombo, T Bauler, AL Lefin
Futures 42 (10), 1187-1199, 2010
Du point de vue environnemental, ne vaut-il pas mieux être pauvre et mal informé que riche et conscientisé?
G Wallenborn, J Dozzi
Environnement et inégalités sociales, Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles, 2007
Emergent transformation games: exploring social innovation agency and activation through the case of the Belgian electricity blackout threat
B Pel, G Wallenborn, T Bauler
Ecology and Society 21 (2), 2016
Indicators for sustainable development: A discussion of their usability
T Bauler
Unpublished PHD thesis, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 2007
Towards a governance of sustainability transitions: Giving place to individuals
F Rauschmayer, T Bauler, N Schäpke
UFZ Discussion Paper, 2013
Linking food democracy and sustainability on the ground: Learnings from the study of three alternative food networks in Brussels
F Lohest, T Bauler, S Sureau, J Mol, WMJ Achten
Politics and Governance 7 (4), 21-31, 2019
Emerging ecosystem services governance issues in the Belgium ecosystem services community of practice
H Keune, N Dendoncker, F Popa, J Sander, S Kampelmann, F Boeraeve, ...
Ecosystem services 16, 212-219, 2015
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Articles 1–20