K. Matthew Gilley
K. Matthew Gilley
Bill Greehey School of Business, St. Mary's University
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Making more by doing less: an analysis of outsourcing and its effects on firm performance
KM Gilley, A Rasheed
Journal of management 26 (4), 763-790, 2000
Dimensions, determinants, and differences in the expatriate adjustment process
MA Shaffer, DA Harrison, KM Gilley
Journal of international business studies 30, 557-581, 1999
Struggling for balance amid turbulence on international assignments: Work–family conflict, support and commitment
MA Shaffera, DA Harrison, KM Gilley, DM Luk
Journal of management 27 (1), 99-121, 2001
Corporate environmental initiatives and anticipated firm performance: the differential effects of process-driven versus product-driven greening initiatives
KM Gilley, DL Worrell, WN Davidson III, A El–Jelly
Journal of management 26 (6), 1199-1216, 2000
Stakeholder management as a predictor of CEO compensation: Main effects and interactions with financial performance
JE Coombs, KM Gilley
Strategic Management Journal 26 (9), 827-840, 2005
Human resource outsourcing and organizational performance in manufacturing firms
KM Gilley, CR Greer, AA Rasheed
Journal of business research 57 (3), 232-240, 2004
Do CEO stock options prevent or promote fraudulent financial reporting?
JP O'Connor Jr, RL Priem, JE Coombs, KM Gilley
Academy of Management Journal 49 (3), 483-500, 2006
Perceived environmental dynamism and managerial risk aversion as antecedents of manufacturing outsourcing: the moderating effects of firm maturity
KM Gilley, JE McGee, AA Rasheed
Journal of small business management 42 (2), 117-133, 2004
Organizational and client commitment among contracted employees: A replication and extension with temporary workers
CE Connelly, DG Gallagher, KM Gilley
Journal of vocational behavior 70 (2), 326-335, 2007
Top management team risk taking propensities and firm performance: Direct and moderating effects
KM Gilley, BA Walters, BJ Olson
Journal of Business Strategies 19 (2), 95, 2002
The relationship between ethics and firm practices in Russia and the United States
CJ Robertson, KM Gilley, MD Street
Journal of World Business 38 (4), 375-384, 2003
A cross-cultural comparison of ethical orientations and willingness to sacrifice ethical standards: China versus Peru
CJ Robertson, BJ Olson, KM Gilley, Y Bao
Journal of Business Ethics 81, 413-425, 2008
The bottom-line benefits of ethics code commitment
KM Gilley, CJ Robertson, TC Mazur
Business Horizons 53 (1), 31-37, 2010
Outsourcing: national‐and firm‐level implications
AA Rasheed, KM Gilley
Thunderbird International Business Review 47 (5), 513-528, 2005
When green turns to red: stock market reaction to announced greening activities
D Worrell, KM Gilley, WD Davidson III, A El-Jely
academy of management meeting, Vancouver, 252-275, 1995
Trade liberalization, corruption, and software piracy
C Robertson, KM Gilley, WF Crittenden
Journal of Business Ethics 78, 623-634, 2008
An analysis of the predictors of software piracy within Latin America
CJ Robertson, KM Gilley, V Crittenden, WF Crittenden
Journal of Business Research 61 (6), 651-656, 2008
Research on outsourcing: Theoretical perspectives and empirical evidence
KM Gilley, AA Rasheed, H Al-Shammari
Global outsourcing strategies, 41-56, 2017
An analysis of the determinants and performance implications of outsourcing decisions
KM Gilley
The University of Texas at Arlington, 1997
Board gender diversity, social performance, and CEO compensation
K Gilley, K Weeks, J Coombs, M Bell, D Kluemper
Journal of Business Strategies 36 (2), 1-27, 2019
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