Vitri Widyaningsih
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Cited by
Beyond personal factors: Multilevel determinants of childhood stunting in Indonesia
T Mulyaningsih, I Mohanty, V Widyaningsih, TA Gebremedhin, R Miranti, ...
PloS one 16 (11), e0260265, 2021
Determinants of socioeconomic and rural-urban disparities in stunting: evidence from Indonesia
V Widyaningsih, T Mulyaningsih, F Nur Rahmawati, D Adhitya
Rural and remote health 22 (1), 1-10, 2022
Effectiveness of infant massage on strengthening bonding and improving sleep quality
AT Hartanti, H Salimo, V Widyaningsih
Indonesian Journal of Medicine 4 (2), 165-175, 2019
Missed opportunities in hypertension risk factors screening in Indonesia: A mixed-methods evaluation of integrated health post (POSBINDU) implementation
V Widyaningsih, RP Febrinasari, EP Pamungkasari, YA Mashuri, ...
BMJ open 12 (2), e051315, 2022
Pengaruh sikap kerja duduk pada kursi kerja yang tidak ergonomic terhadap keluhan otot-otot skeletal bagi pekerja wanita bagian mesin cucuk di PT Iskandar Indah Printing …
I Wardaningsih
UNS (Sebelas Maret University), 2010
Multilevel analysis on factors associated with occurrence chronic energy deficiency among pregnant women
NC Rachmawati, YLR Dewi, V Widyaningsih
Journal of Maternal and Child Health 4 (6), 474-485, 2019
Core health-components, contextual factors and program elements of community-based interventions in Southeast Asia–a realist synthesis regarding hypertension and diabetes
ZE Pardoel, SA Reijneveld, R Lensink, V Widyaningsih, A Probandari, ...
BMC Public Health 21, 1-14, 2021
Analisis kelelahan mata pekerja sebelum dan sesudah bekerja pada intensitas penerangan dibawah standar di ruangan office PT. Buma Jobsite Adaro
D Setiawan
UNS (Sebelas Maret University), 2010
Hazard identifikasi dan risk assesment dalam upaya mengurangi tingkat risiko Di bagian produksi pt. bina guna kumia ungaran semarang
N Puspitasari
UNS (Sebelas Maret University), 2010
Expanding the scope beyond mortality: burden and missed opportunities in maternal morbidity in Indonesia
V Widyaningsih, Khotijah, Balgis
Global Health Action 10 (1), 1339534, 2017
The patterns of self-reported maternal complications in Indonesia: are there rural-urban differences?
V Widyaningsih, K Khotijah
Rural and Remote Health 18 (4), 1-9, 2018
Burnout Dan Kualitas Hidup Civitas Akademika Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19: Studi Di Universitas Sebelas Maret
YA Mashuri, W Primaningtyas, H Hastuti, L Aryoseto, N Qothrunnada, ...
Biomedika 14 (1), 10-19, 2022
Job safety analysis sebagai langkah awal dalam upaya pencegahan terjadinya kecelakaan akibat kerja di area attachment fabrication PT. Sanggar Sarana Baja Jakarta Timur
AS Fauzi
UNS (Sebelas Maret University), 2009
Hubungan pemantauan pertumbuhan anak baduta pada masa pandemi COVID-19 dan pengetahuan ibu tentang MP-ASI dengan status gizi
MGK Sari, V Widyaningsih, MM Wardani, A Murasmita, AA Ghufron
SEMAR (Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan, Teknologi, Dan Seni Bagi Masyarakat) 10 (1 …, 2021
Biopsychosocial factors affecting quality of life in post-stroke patients: A path analysis evidence from Surakarta hospital, Central Java
M Zamzam, DG Tamtomo, V Widyaningsih
Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health 5 (1), 1-14, 2020
Factors associated with personal hygiene, use of personal protective equipment, and the risk of contact dermatitis among scavengers: A path analysis evidence from Surakarta …
NK Sari, SS Rahardjo, V Widyaningsih
Journal of Health Promotion and Behavior 4 (3), 198-211, 2019
The ethanol extract of Garcinia mangostana L peel reduces the isoniazid-induced liver damage in rats
TY Pramana, B Wasita, V Widyaningsih, R Cilmiaty, S Suroto, A Mudigdo, ...
Bali Medical Journal 10 (1), 156-159, 2021
The effect of Kangaroo mother care in increasing body weight and temperature in premature infants: meta-analysis
IR Pravitasari, V Widyaningsih, B Murti
Journal of Maternal and Child Health 5 (5), 563-578, 2020
Improving knowledge, acceptance, and utilization of female condoms among sex workers through a peer education: a mixed methods study in Surakarta Municipality, Central Java …
A Probandari, RA Setyani, EP Pamungkasari, V Widyaningsih, ...
Health Care for Women International 41 (5), 600-618, 2020
Metode penelitian kuantitatif: strategi menulis proposal penelitian kesehatan
A Probandari, Sumardiyono, RP Febrinasari, EP Pamungkasari, ...
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Articles 1–20