Sally Elghamrawy
Sally Elghamrawy
Professor in Computer Engineering
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Cited by
Detection of coronavirus (COVID-19) associated pneumonia based on generative adversarial networks and a fine-tuned deep transfer learning model using chest X-ray dataset
NEM Khalifa, MHN Taha, AE Hassanien, S Elghamrawy
International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics …, 2022
An imbalanced big data mining framework for improving optimization algorithms performance
EM Hassib, AI El-Desouky, ESM El-Kenawy, SM El-Ghamrawy
IEEE Access 7, 170774-170795, 2019
Intelligent hybrid remote patient-monitoring model with cloud-based framework for knowledge discovery
MK Hassan, AI El Desouky, SM Elghamrawy, AM Sarhan
Computers & Electrical Engineering 70, 1034-1048, 2018
Optimized Deep Learning-Inspired Model for the Diagnosis and Prediction of COVID-19
S Elghamrawy, AE Hassnien, V Snasel
Computers, Materials & Continua 67 (2), pp.2353-2371, 2021
A Hybrid Real-time remote monitoring framework with NB-WOA algorithm for patients with chronic diseases
MK Hassan, AI El Desouky, SM Elghamrawy, AM Sarhan
Future Generation Computer Systems 93, 77-95, 2019
Big data challenges and opportunities in healthcare informatics and smart hospitals
MK Hassan, AI El Desouky, SM Elghamrawy, AM Sarhan
Security in smart cities: Models, applications, and challenges, 3-26, 2019
An optimized FP-growth algorithm for discovery of association rules
M Shawkat, M Badawi, S El-ghamrawy, R Arnous, A El-desoky
The Journal of Supercomputing 78 (4), 5479-5506, 2022
Big data analytics and artificial intelligence against COVID-19: innovation vision and approach
AE Hassanien, N Dey, S Elghamrawy
Springer Nature, 2020
Security in cognitive radio network: defense against primary user emulation attacks using genetic artificial bee colony (GABC) algorithm
SM Elghamrawy
Future generation computer systems 109, 479-487, 2020
A dynamic spark-based classification framework for imbalanced big data
NB Abdel-Hamid, S ElGhamrawy, AE Desouky, H Arafat
Journal of Grid Computing 16, 607-626, 2018
Prediction of liver diseases based on machine learning technique for big data
EA El-Shafeiy, AI El-Desouky, SM Elghamrawy
The International conference on advanced machine learning technologies and …, 2018
An optimized artificial neural network approach based on sperm whale optimization algorithm for predicting fertility quality
EL Engy, EL Ali, EG Sally
Stud. Inform. Control 27 (3), 349-358, 2018
Dynamic ontology mapping for communication in distributed multi-agent intelligent system
SM El-Ghamrawy, AI El-Desouky, M Sherief
2009 International Conference on Networking and Media Convergence, 103-108, 2009
GWOA: a hybrid genetic whale optimization algorithm for combating attacks in cognitive radio network
SM Elghamrawy, AE Hassanien
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 10 (11), 4345-4360, 2019
An agent decision support module based on granular rough model
SM El-Ghamrawy, AI Eldesouky
International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making 11 (04 …, 2012
A partitioning framework for Cassandra NoSQL database using Rendezvous hashing
SM Elghamrawy, AE Hassanien
The Journal of Supercomputing 73 (10), 4444-4465, 2017
An H2O’s Deep Learning-Inspired Model Based on Big Data Analytics for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Diagnosis
S Elghamrawy
Big data analytics and artificial intelligence against COVID-19: Innovation …, 2020
A fully streaming big data framework for cyber security based on optimized deep learning algorithm
N Hussen, SM Elghamrawy, M Salem, AI El-Desouky
IEEE Access 11, 65675-65688, 2023
A knowledge management framework for imbalanced data using frequent pattern mining based on bloom filter
SM El-Ghamrawy
2016 11th International Conference on Computer Engineering & Systems (ICCES …, 2016
An efficient parallel indexing structure for multi-dimensional big data using spark
MA Elmeiligy, AIE Desouky, SM Elghamrawy
The Journal of Supercomputing 77 (10), 11187-11214, 2021
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Articles 1–20