Feng Lu
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Cited by
Key technologies for next-generation digital RoF mobile fronthaul with statistical data compression and multiband modulation
M Xu, F Lu, J Wang, L Cheng, D Guidotti, GK Chang
Journal of Lightwave Technology 35 (17), 3671-3679, 2017
Digital mobile fronthaul based on delta–sigma modulation for 32 LTE carrier aggregation and FBMC signals
J Wang, Z Yu, K Ying, J Zhang, F Lu, M Xu, L Cheng, X Ma, GK Chang
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 9 (2), A233-A244, 2017
A multilevel artificial neural network nonlinear equalizer for millimeter-wave mobile fronthaul systems
S Liu, M Xu, J Wang, F Lu, W Zhang, H Tian, GK Chang
Journal of Lightwave Technology 35 (20), 4406-4417, 2017
Fiber–wireless integrated mobile backhaul network based on a hybrid millimeter-wave and free-space-optics architecture with an adaptive diversity combining technique
J Zhang, J Wang, Y Xu, M Xu, F Lu, L Cheng, J Yu, G Chang
Optics letters 41 (9), 1909-1912, 2016
Bidirectional fiber-wireless access technology for 5G mobile spectral aggregation and cell densification
M Xu, JH Yan, J Zhang, F Lu, J Wang, L Cheng, D Guidotti, GK Chang
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 8 (12), B104-B110, 2016
An ultra-reliable MMW/FSO A-RoF system based on coordinated mapping and combining technique for 5G and beyond mobile fronthaul
R Zhang, F Lu, M Xu, S Liu, PC Peng, S Shen, J He, HJ Cho, Q Zhou, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 36 (20), 4952-4959, 2018
Full-duplex quasi-gapless carrier aggregation using FBMC in centralized radio-over-fiber heterogeneous networks
J Zhang, M Xu, J Wang, F Lu, L Cheng, H Cho, K Ying, J Yu, GK Chang
Journal of Lightwave Technology 35 (4), 989-996, 2017
Accurate indoor visible light positioning system utilizing machine learning technique with height tolerance
CW Hsu, S Liu, F Lu, CW Chow, CH Yeh, GK Chang
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, M2K. 2, 2018
Power-division non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) in flexible optical access with synchronized downlink/asynchronous uplink
F Lu, M Xu, L Cheng, J Wang, GK Chang
Journal of Lightwave Technology 35 (19), 4145-4152, 2017
Delta-sigma modulation for digital mobile fronthaul enabling carrier aggregation of 32 4G-LTE/30 5G-FBMC signals in a single-λ 10-Gb/s IM-DD channel
J Wang, Z Yu, K Ying, J Zhang, F Lu, M Xu, GK Chang
2016 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC), 1-3, 2016
Coordinated multipoint transmissions in millimeter-wave radio-over-fiber systems
L Cheng, MMU Gul, F Lu, M Zhu, J Wang, M Xu, X Ma, GK Chang
Journal of Lightwave Technology 34 (2), 653-660, 2015
Real-time demonstration of adaptive functional split in 5G flexible mobile fronthaul networks
Y Alfadhli, M Xu, S Liu, F Lu, PC Peng, GK Chang
Optical fiber communication conference, Th2A. 48, 2018
Nonlinear inter-band subcarrier intermodulations of multi-RAT OFDM wireless services in 5G heterogeneous mobile fronthaul networks
J Wang, C Liu, J Zhang, M Zhu, M Xu, F Lu, L Cheng, GK Chang
Journal of Lightwave Technology 34 (17), 4089-4103, 2016
Non-orthogonal multiple access with successive interference cancellation in millimeter-wave radio-over-fiber systems
F Lu, M Xu, L Cheng, J Wang, J Zhang, GK Chang
Journal of Lightwave Technology 34 (17), 4179-4186, 2016
Memory-polynomial digital pre-distortion for linearity improvement of directly-modulated multi-IF-over-fiber LTE mobile fronthaul
J Zhang, J Wang, M Xu, F Lu, L Chen, J Yu, G Chang
2016 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC), 1-3, 2016
FBMC in next-generation mobile fronthaul networks with centralized pre-equalization
M Xu, J Zhang, F Lu, J Wang, L Cheng, HJ Cho, MI Khalil, D Guidotti, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 28 (18), 1912-1915, 2016
Orthogonal multiband CAP modulation based on offset-QAM and advanced filter design in spectral efficient MMW RoF systems
M Xu, J Zhang, F Lu, J Wang, L Cheng, MI Khalil, D Guidotti, GK Chang
Journal of Lightwave Technology 35 (4), 997-1005, 2017
Sub-band pre-distortion for PAPR reduction in spectral efficient 5G mobile fronthaul
F Lu, M Xu, L Cheng, J Wang, S Shen, J Zhang, GK Chang
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 29 (1), 122-125, 2016
Wavelength resource sharing in bidirectional optical mobile fronthaul
M Zhu, F Li, F Lu, J Yu, C Su, G Gu, GK Chang
Journal of Lightwave Technology 33 (15), 3182-3188, 2015
Enhanced multi-level signal recovery in mobile fronthaul network using DNN decoder
Q Zhou, F Lu, M Xu, PC Peng, S Liu, S Shen, R Zhang, S Yao, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 30 (17), 1511-1514, 2018
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