Tobias Flaisch
Tobias Flaisch
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Emotion and attention: event-related brain potential studies
HT Schupp, T Flaisch, J Stockburger, M Junghöfer
Progress in brain research 156, 31-51, 2006
Medial frontal cortex in action monitoring
P Luu, T Flaisch, DM Tucker
Journal of neuroscience 20 (1), 464-469, 2000
Anodal transcranial direct current stimulation temporarily reverses age-associated cognitive decline and functional brain activity changes
M Meinzer, R Lindenberg, D Antonenko, T Flaisch, A Flöel
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (30), 12470-12478, 2013
Electrical brain stimulation improves cognitive performance by modulating functional connectivity and task-specific activation
M Meinzer, D Antonenko, R Lindenberg, S Hetzer, L Ulm, K Avirame, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (5), 1859-1866, 2012
Affective picture perception: gender differences in visual cortex?
D Sabatinelli, T Flaisch, MM Bradley, JR Fitzsimmons, PJ Lang
Neuroreport 15 (7), 1109-1112, 2004
Functional re-recruitment of dysfunctional brain areas predicts language recovery in chronic aphasia
M Meinzer, T Flaisch, C Breitenstein, C Wienbruch, T Elbert, B Rockstroh
Neuroimage 39 (4), 2038-2046, 2008
Neural signatures of semantic and phonemic fluency in young and old adults
M Meinzer, T Flaisch, L Wilser, C Eulitz, B Rockstroh, T Conway, ...
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 21 (10), 2007-2018, 2009
The impact of hunger on food cue processing: an event-related brain potential study
J Stockburger, R Schmälzle, T Flaisch, F Bublatzky, HT Schupp
Neuroimage 47 (4), 1819-1829, 2009
Recovery from aphasia as a function of language therapy in an early bilingual patient demonstrated by fMRI
M Meinzer, J Obleser, T Flaisch, C Eulitz, B Rockstroh
Neuropsychologia 45 (6), 1247-1256, 2007
Affective picture processing as a function of preceding picture valence: An ERP analysis
HT Schupp, R Schmälzle, T Flaisch, AI Weike, AO Hamm
Biological psychology 91 (1), 81-87, 2012
Corticolimbic mechanisms in emotional decisions.
DM Tucker, P Luu, RE Desmond Jr, A Hartry-Speiser, C Davey, T Flaisch
Emotion 3 (2), 127, 2003
Emotion and the processing of symbolic gestures: an event-related brain potential study
T Flaisch, F Häcker, B Renner, HT Schupp
Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 6 (1), 109-118, 2011
Affective prime and target picture processing: an ERP analysis of early and late interference effects
T Flaisch, J Stockburger, HT Schupp
Brain Topography 20, 183-191, 2008
Impact of changed positive and negative task-related brain activity on word-retrieval in aging
M Meinzer, L Seeds, T Flaisch, S Harnish, ML Cohen, K McGregor, ...
Neurobiology of aging 33 (4), 656-669, 2012
Rapid picture processing: affective primes and targets
T Flaisch, M Junghöfer, MM Bradley, HT Schupp, PJ Lang
Psychophysiology 45 (1), 1-10, 2008
Brain regions essential for improved lexical access in an aged aphasic patient: a case report
M Meinzer, T Flaisch, J Obleser, R Assadollahi, D Djundja, G Barthel, ...
BMC neurology 6, 1-10, 2006
Neural systems of visual attention responding to emotional gestures
T Flaisch, HT Schupp, B Renner, M Junghöfer
Neuroimage 45 (4), 1339-1346, 2009
The neural basis of narrative imagery: emotion and action
D Sabatinelli, PJ Lang, MM Bradley, T Flaisch
Progress in brain research 156, 93-103, 2006
Neuroimaging methods in affective neuroscience: Selected methodological issues
M Junghöfer, P Peyk, T Flaisch, HT Schupp
Progress in brain research 156, 123-143, 2006
Same modulation but different starting points: performance modulates age differences in inferior frontal cortex activity during word-retrieval
M Meinzer, T Flaisch, L Seeds, S Harnish, D Antonenko, V Witte, ...
PLoS One 7 (3), e33631, 2012
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Articles 1–20