Apriliana Drastisianti
Apriliana Drastisianti
Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang
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Pemahaman konsep siswa materi larutan penyangga dalam pembelajaran multiple representasi
D Alighiri, A Drastisianti, E Susilaningsih
Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Kimia 12 (2), 2018
The analysis of concept mastery using redox teaching materials with multiple representation and contextual teaching learning approach
E Susilaningsih, L Lastri, A Drastisianti, E Kusumo, D Alighiri
Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia 8 (4), 475-481, 2019
Identification of flavonoid compounds and total flavonoid content from biowaste of local durian shell (Durio zibethinus)
D Alighiri, SS Edie, A Drastisianti, U Khasanah, KA Tanti, RZ Maghfiroh, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1567 (4), 042084, 2020
Processing of recycled waste PET (polyethylene terephthalate) plastics bottle into for the lightweight and reinforcement bricks
D Alighiri, MN Yasin, B Rohmawati, A Drastisianti
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1321 (2), 022023, 2019
Identification of misconceptions on buffer material using three-tier test in the learning of multiple representation
A Drastisianti, S Supartono, N Wijayati, E Susilaningsih
Journal of Innovative Science Education 7 (1), 95-100, 2018
The Study of Chemistry Learning on The Material of Buffer Solution Supported by Teaching Material of Multiple Representation-Chemoentrepreneurship Viewed From Student …
A Drastisianti, E Susilaningsih, M Supartono, N Wijayati
International Conference on Science and Education and Technology 2018 (ISET …, 2018
Optimization of condition extraction in quantification of total flavonoid content in the seeds of the Arummanis (Mangifera indica L.) mango from Indonesia
D Alighiri, K Nuzulina, M Rodhiyah, A Drastisianti
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1321 (2), 022041, 2019
The Effectiveness of Cognitive Conflict-Based Chemistry Learning in Reducing Students' Misconceptions of Acid-Base Materials
LS Ningrum, A Drastisianti, H Setiowati, R Pratiwi
Implementation of Online Learning Based Quizizz for Identification of Difficult Concepts and Misconceptions in Buffer Material
A Drastisianti, WK Sari, D Alighiri
PAEDAGOGIA 23 (2), 181-189, 2020
Analysis of student concept understanding on the material of buffer solution using three-tier test assisted by multiple representation teaching materials
A Drastisianti, E Susilaningsih, N Wijayati, EI Nada, N Alawiyah
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1321 (2), 022050, 2019
An analysis of students conceptual understanding of submicroscopic level in solubility and solubility product constant (Ksp) using three-tier multiple choice test
E Susilaningsih, N Alawiyah, T Sulistyaningsih, EI Nada, A Drastisianti
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1321 (2), 022046, 2019
Komparasi Hasil Belajar Kimia Menggunakan Pembelajaran Berbasis Penilaian Performens dan Project Based Learning (PjBL)
A Drastisianti, LS Ningrum, D Alighiri
Jurnal Pendidikan Mipa 12 (3), 875-881, 2022
The effect of polyurethane binder and glass fiber reinforcement on physical and mechanical properties of mahogany (Swietenia mahagoni) leaves waste biocomposite
D Alighiri, RM Maulana, A Drastisianti
Materials Express 10 (11), 1900-1910, 2020
Instrument design of remedy test assisted by multiple representations using computer-based test model on redox materials
EI Nada, E Susilaningsih, S Mursiti, A Drastisianti, N Alawiyah, Supartono
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1321, 022043, 2019
Produksi Biobriket dari Limbah Pertanian Jagung di Desa Sumberejo Demak
D Alighiri, NP Aryani, FD Ratnasari, A Drastisianti, M Masturi
Seminar Nasional Kolaborasi Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 1 (1), 399-404, 2018
Pembelajaran Berbasis Riset untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Multipel Representasi Mahasiswa dalam Memahami Soal HOTS
A Drastisianti, D Alighiri
Jurnal Komunikasi Pendidikan 5 (2), 152-163, 2021
Optimization of Bioethanol Synthesis from Durian Seeds Using Saccharomyces Cerevisiae in Fermentation Process
M Masturi, D Alighiri, P Dwijananti, RD Widodo, SP Budiyanto, ...
Jurnal Bahan Alam Terbarukan 9 (1), 36-46, 2020
Antibacterial Activity from Fraction of Liquid-Liquid Extraction in Temulawak Rhizome (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.)
D Alighiri, IP Firnanda, RA Abdullah, NB Widodo, A Drastisianti
Walisongo Journal of Chemistry 7 (2), 211-220, 2024
Urgensi Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup Sebagai Upaya Pengelolaan Lingkungan Pada Sekolah Menengah (Studi Pengabdian Pada SMPN 1 Losarang Kecamatan Losarang Kabupaten Indramayu)
A Alfikro, A Drastisianti
Berbudi: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 1 (1), 25-37, 2024
Sosialisasi Perilaku Hidup Bersih Sehat (PHBS) bersama Siswa Siswi SD Negeri Johorejo Kabupaten Kendal
AZ Salsabila, ES Nisah, N Mafaza, MRK Anwar, R Choirotunnisa, ...
Masyarakat Mandiri: Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pembangunan Lokal 1 (4), 25-34, 2024
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Articles 1–20