Jake Bromage
Jake Bromage
Sr. Scientist, Laboratory for Laser Energetics, University of Rochester
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Petawatt and exawatt class lasers worldwide
CN Danson, C Haefner, J Bromage, T Butcher, JCF Chanteloup, ...
High Power Laser Science and Engineering 7, e54, 2019
Raman amplification for fiber communications systems
J Bromage
journal of lightwave technology 22 (1), 79, 2004
High Power Laser Sci
CN Danson, C Haefner, J Bromage, T Butcher, JCF Chanteloup, ...
Eng 7, e54, 2019
OMEGA EP: High-energy petawatt capability for the OMEGA laser facility
JH Kelly, LJ Waxer, V Bagnoud, IA Begishev, J Bromage, BE Kruschwitz, ...
Journal de Physique IV (Proceedings) 133, 75-80, 2006
Technology development for ultraintense all-OPCPA systems
J Bromage, SW Bahk, IA Begishev, C Dorrer, MJ Guardalben, ...
High Power Laser Science and Engineering 7, e4, 2019
A method to predict the Raman gain spectra of germanosilicate fibers with arbitrary index profiles
J Bromage, K Rottwitt, ME Lines
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 14 (1), 24-26, 2002
Scaling of the Raman gain coefficient: applications to germanosilicate fibers
K Rottwitt, J Bromage, AJ Stentz, L Leng, ME Lines, H Smith
Journal of lightwave technology 21 (7), 1652-1662, 2003
OMEGA EP high-energy petawatt laser: progress and prospects
DN Maywar, JH Kelly, LJ Waxer, SFB Morse, IA Begishev, J Bromage, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 112 (3), 032007, 2008
Design of bidirectionally pumped fiber amplifiers generating double Rayleigh backscattering
RJ Essiambre, P Winzer, J Bromage, CH Kim
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 14 (7), 914-916, 2002
Real-time SPIDER: ultrashort pulse characterization at 20 Hz
TM Shuman, ME Anderson, J Bromage, C Iaconis, L Waxer, IA Walmsley
Optics Express 5 (6), 134-143, 1999
Multiple path interference and its impact on system design
J Bromage, PJ Winzer, RJ Essiambre
Raman Amplifiers for Telecommunications 2: Sub-Systems and Systems, 491-568, 2004
Excitation of a three-dimensionally localized atomic electron wave packet
J Bromage, CR Stroud Jr
Physical Review Letters 83 (24), 4963, 1999
3.08 Tb/s (77× 42.7 Gb/s) transmission over 1200 km of non-zero dispersion-shifted fiber with 100-km spans using C-and L-band distributed Raman amplification
B Zhu, L Leng, LE Nelson, Y Qian, S Stulz, C Doerr, L Stulz, ...
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, PD23, 2001
High-dynamic-range single-shot cross-correlator based on an optical pulse replicator
C Dorrer, J Bromage, JD Zuegel
Optics express 16 (18), 13534-13544, 2008
S-band erbium-doped fiber amplifiers for WDM transmission between 1488 and 1508 nm
M Arbore, Y Zhou, H Thiele, J Bromage, L Nelson
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, WK2, 2003
Impact of high-frequency spectral phase modulation on the temporal profile of short optical pulses
C Dorrer, J Bromage
Optics Express 16 (5), 3058-3068, 2008
Analysis and suppression of parasitic processes in noncollinear optical parametric amplifiers
J Bromage, J Rothhardt, S Hädrich, C Dorrer, C Jocher, S Demmler, ...
Optics Express 19 (18), 16797-16808, 2011
Temporal contrast degradation at the focus of ultrafast pulses from high-frequency spectral phase modulation
J Bromage, C Dorrer, RK Jungquist
JOSA B 29 (5), 1125-1135, 2012
Dual-order Raman pump
JC Bouteiller, K Brar, J Bromage, S Radic, C Headley
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 15 (2), 212-214, 2003
Spatiotemporal shaping of half-cycle terahertz pulses by diffraction through conductive apertures of finite thickness
J Bromage, S Radic, GP Agrawal, CR Stroud, PM Fauchet, R Sobolewski
JOSA B 15 (7), 1953-1959, 1998
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Articles 1–20