Christof Rampitsch
Christof Rampitsch
Research Scientist
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Signaling cross-talk in plant disease resistance
H Derksen, C Rampitsch, F Daayf
Plant science 207, 79-87, 2013
Analysis of the wheat and Puccinia triticina (leaf rust) proteomes during a susceptible host‐pathogen interaction
C Rampitsch, NV Bykova, B McCallum, EVA Beimcik, W Ens
Proteomics 6 (6), 1897-1907, 2006
Cloning and expression of a LMW-i glutenin gene
S Cloutier, C Rampitsch, GA Penner, OM Lukow
Journal of Cereal Science 33 (2), 143-154, 2001
Advances in plant proteomics toward improvement of crop productivity and stress resistancex
J Hu, C Rampitsch, NV Bykova
Frontiers in Plant Science 6, 209, 2015
A review of wheat leaf rust research and the development of resistant cultivars in Canada
BD McCallum, CW Hiebert, S Cloutier, G Bakkeren, SB Rosa, ...
Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 38 (1), 1-18, 2016
Gene expression of stearoyl-ACP desaturase and Δ12 fatty acid desaturase 2 is modulated during seed development of flax (Linum usitatissimum)
B Fofana, S Cloutier, S Duguid, J Ching, C Rampitsch
Lipids 41, 705-712, 2006
A decade of plant proteomics and mass spectrometry: translation of technical advancements to food security and safety issues
GK Agrawal, A Sarkar, PG Righetti, R Pedreschi, S Carpentier, T Wang, ...
Mass Spectrometry Reviews 32 (5), 335-365, 2013
Developmental and seed aging mediated regulation of antioxidative genes and differential expression of proteins during pre-and post-germinative phases in pea
Z Yao, L Liu, F Gao, C Rampitsch, DM Reinecke, JA Ozga, BT Ayele
Journal of Plant Physiology 169 (15), 1477-1488, 2012
BNIP3L/Nix-induced mitochondrial fission, mitophagy, and impaired myocyte glucose uptake are abrogated by PRKA/PKA phosphorylation
SC da Silva Rosa, MD Martens, JT Field, L Nguyen, SM Kereliuk, Y Hai, ...
Autophagy 17 (9), 2257-2272, 2021
Proteomic analysis of the phytopathogenic soilborne fungus Verticillium dahliae reveals differential protein expression in isolates that differ in aggressiveness
AF El‐Bebany, C Rampitsch, F Daayf
Proteomics 10 (2), 289-303, 2010
Genomic analysis of MAP kinase cascades inArabidopsis defense responses
M Cvetkovska, C Rampitsch, N Bykova, T Xing
Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 23, 331-343, 2005
Proteomics and plant disease: advances in combating a major threat to the global food supply
C Rampitsch, NV Bykova
Proteomics 12 (4‐5), 673-690, 2012
Determination and characterization of site-specific N-glycosylation using MALDI-Qq-TOF tandem mass spectrometry: case study with a plant protease
NV Bykova, C Rampitsch, O Krokhin, KG Standing, W Ens
Analytical Chemistry 78 (4), 1093-1103, 2006
Redox‐sensitive proteome and antioxidant strategies in wheat seed dormancy control
NV Bykova, B Hoehn, C Rampitsch, T Banks, JA Stebbing, T Fan, R Knox
Proteomics 11 (5), 865-882, 2011
Integrated analysis of seed proteome and mRNA oxidation reveals distinct post‐transcriptional features regulating dormancy in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
F Gao, C Rampitsch, VR Chitnis, GD Humphreys, MC Jordan, BT Ayele
Plant Biotechnology Journal 11 (8), 921-932, 2013
Proteomic and phosphoproteomic approaches to understand plant–pathogen interactions
G Thurston, S Regan, C Rampitsch, T Xing
Physiological and molecular plant pathology 66 (1-2), 3-11, 2005
Proteome analysis of wheat leaf rust fungus, Puccinia triticina, infection structures enriched for haustoria
X Song, C Rampitsch, B Soltani, W Mauthe, R Linning, T Banks, ...
Proteomics 11 (5), 944-963, 2011
A conserved MADS-box phosphorylation motif regulates differentiation and mitochondrial function in skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle cells
W Mughal, L Nguyen, S Pustylnik, SC da Silva Rosa, S Piotrowski, ...
Cell death & disease 6 (10), e1944-e1944, 2015
The beginnings of crop phosphoproteomics: exploring early warning systems of stress
C Rampitsch, NV Bykova
Frontiers in Plant Science 3, 144, 2012
Modulating protein function through reversible oxidation: redox‐mediated processes in plants revealed through proteomics
NV Bykova, C Rampitsch
Proteomics 13 (3-4), 579-596, 2013
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Articles 1–20