Dmitriy V. Kupriyanov
Dmitriy V. Kupriyanov
Other namesDmitriy Kupriyanov
Quantum Technology Centre, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
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Cited by
Large Bragg reflection from one-dimensional chains of trapped atoms near a nanoscale waveguide
NV Corzo, B Gouraud, A Chandra, A Goban, AS Sheremet, ...
Physical review letters 117 (13), 133603, 2016
Experimental investigation of the transition between Autler-Townes splitting and electromagnetically-induced-transparency models
L Giner, L Veissier, B Sparkes, AS Sheremet, A Nicolas, OS Mishina, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (1), 013823, 2013
Microscopic theory of scattering of weak electromagnetic radiation by a dense ensemble of ultracold atoms
IM Sokolov, DV Kupriyanov, MD Havey
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 112, 246-260, 2011
Near-resonance light scattering from a high-density ultracold atomic Rb gas
S Balik, AL Win, MD Havey, IM Sokolov, DV Kupriyanov
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (5), 053817, 2013
Light scattering from a dense and ultracold atomic gas
IM Sokolov, MD Kupriyanova, DV Kupriyanov, MD Havey
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 79 (5), 053405, 2009
Multimode entanglement of light and atomic ensembles via off-resonant coherent forward scattering
DV Kupriyanov, OS Mishina, IM Sokolov, B Julsgaard, ES Polzik
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 71 (3), 032348, 2005
Coherent backscattering of light in atomic systems: Application to weak localization in an ensemble of cold alkali-metal atoms
DV Kupriyanov, IM Sokolov, P Kulatunga, CI Sukenik, MD Havey
Physical Review A 67 (1), 013814, 2003
Electromagnetically induced transparency in an inhomogeneously broadened transition with multiple excited levels
OS Mishina, M Scherman, P Lombardi, J Ortalo, D Felinto, AS Sheremet, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 83 (5), 053809, 2011
Coherent backscattering of light from ultracold and optically dense atomic ensembles
DV Kupriyanov, IM Sokolov, CI Sukenik, MD Havey
Laser Physics Letters 3 (5), 223, 2005
Mesoscopic coherence in light scattering from cold, optically dense and disordered atomic systems
DV Kupriyanov, IM Sokolov, MD Havey
Physics Reports 671, 1-60, 2017
Microscopic lensing by a dense, cold atomic sample
S Roof, K Kemp, M Havey, IM Sokolov, DV Kupriyanov
Optics Letters 40 (7), 1137-1140, 2015
Electromagnetically induced optical anisotropy of an ultracold atomic medium
VM Datsyuk, IM Sokolov, DV Kupriyanov, MD Havey
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 77 (3), 033823, 2008
Spectral dependence of coherent backscattering of light in a narrow-resonance atomic system
DV Kupriyanov, IM Sokolov, NV Larionov, P Kulatunga, CI Sukenik, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 69 (3), 033801, 2004
A scaling law for light scattering from dense and cold atomic ensembles
IM Sokolov, AS Kuraptsev, DV Kupriyanov, MD Havey, S Balik
Journal of Modern Optics 60 (1), 50-56, 2013
Diffuse light scattering dynamics under conditions of electromagnetically induced transparency
VM Datsyuk, IM Sokolov, DV Kupriyanov, MD Havey
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 74 (4), 043812, 2006
Light trapping in high-density ultracold atomic gases for quantum memory applications
IM Sokolov, DV Kupriyanov, RG Olave, MD Havey
Journal of Modern Optics 57 (19), 1833-1840, 2010
Spectral theory of quantum memory and entanglement via Raman scattering of light by an atomic ensemble
OS Mishina, DV Kupriyanov, JH Müller, ES Polzik
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 75 (4), 042326, 2007
Quantum memory for light via a stimulated off-resonant Raman process: Beyond the three-level -scheme approximation
AS Sheremet, LV Gerasimov, IM Sokolov, DV Kupriyanov, OS Mishina, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 82 (3), 033838, 2010
Measurement of correlated multiple light scattering in ultracold atomic
P Kulatunga, CI Sukenik, S Balik, MD Havey, DV Kupriyanov, IM Sokolov
Physical Review A 68 (3), 033816, 2003
Antilocalization in coherent backscattering of light in a multi-resonance atomic system
DV Kupriyanov, IM Sokolov, MD Havey
Optics communications 243 (1-6), 165-173, 2004
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Articles 1–20